I Can Hear the Grass Grow
Posted: Sunday, 20 May 2007 |
It's all go up at Hubble acres, where we have two allotment plots (one is shared with a pair of friends, one is our own). After a hard day slaving over an ancient monument it does the soul good to take a bottle of dandelion wine and plant some runner beans!
Here are the little fellers all ready for their new home....

He's working hard, isn't he?

Some of us have time to admire the view across to the Orphir Hills.

Comfrey? Stromness.....

A massage of peas.

The expert takes a well-earned break.

Waiting for it all to grow!

On Friday morning I listened to the traffic report on Radio Scotland. Tailbacks on the Bridge. Jams on the M8. Delays on the M9. My journey to works takes me on a fifteen minute drive past a beautiful bay (seals often seen), past a blue loch (lots of interesting birds) and through a World Heritage Site (one of only 4 in Scotland). The worst traffic I see will be the school bus or a tractor!
Happy days!!!
Posted on Stromness Dragon at 21:08
Pre-emptive planting
Posted: Tuesday, 22 May 2007 |
Big winds last night, runner beans all broken. Very upset.
Posted on Stromness Dragon at 17:38
Away sooth
Posted: Monday, 28 May 2007 |
I'm off to deepest darkest Englandshire till Sunday, but when I return I shall post tales and photos of the fabulous Firth Brew (a home made beer/wine competition), and the Bath and West Show in Somerset (that's where I'm going tomorrow). That's if I am not pickled in cider by then. I look forward to reading what you've all been doing when I get back! Have a good week............
Posted on Stromness Dragon at 21:46