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16 October 2014

Stromness Dragon

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Midsummer malarkey

Summer! No time for writing! Here's some photos instead!

A midsummer concert at the Standing Stones of Stenness by Shoramere....
Shoramere fiddlers - better than me

Very talented young uns

Music in the Stones

The Ring of Brodgar at 11 o'clock on midsummer's night...

Towards Hoy

Silhouette of stone

Interesting sky

A bunch of hippies

And now, especially for mjc, the vegetables....(a sneak preview - full blog coming soon)

If you were an ant these would look enormous!

Look very closely to see the teeny tiny yellow courgettes

Spinach but not enough yet for a sag aloo

Off to soothshire for grandmother's ninetieth birthday. Keep safe, chums.

Posted on Stromness Dragon at 21:51


What a nice way to 'celebrate' midsummer.

Carol from IBHQ

'tis a good thing I went down all the photos before commenting. I was muttering something about how some folks gave up on their garden when I saw a nice patch of onions, one (!) cucumber plant (?) and one whatever. And now you are off gallivanting to the south!! Happy birthday to grandma, by the way.

mjc from NM,USA

Mjc, let me introduce you to a little secret.....put your mouse cursor over the photo....a caption appears! Just like magic!

Stromness Dragon from Tutting

SD, thank you. Once I was blind, but now I see (in the words of that famous hymn). Sag aloo, eh? That does it: I am off to our wonderful Indian restaurant, India Palace, for lunch. # About fiddling: don't be so modest. # Have a safe trip

mjc from NM,USA

SD,we must make excuses for mjc, as courgettes are no doubt know as "zuchinni" in the states(++they are from the same family as cucumbers,melons etc)--j=hope you get a good crop-this year i've only planted tomatoes(what else?)peppers and aubergines(egg plant) and they are all coming along well--at last

carol from green fingers

Courgettes, eh? French, I suppose. Zucchini is Italian, I suspect. Folks, we are Americans over here, and we eat squash (green, yellow and such: we know our colors). What next, mon Dieu: are we expected to call America, l'Amerique?!!

mjc from NM,USA

Good luck with the veg, Carol. Nothing like eating stuff you've grown yourself! Hope you enjoyed your curry, mjc.

Stromness Dragon from Heading off for the ferry

MJC: i stand corrected-a friend frm new york calles courgettes "zucchini' soo--

carol from over here-

I can't help your friend from New York if he is fresh off the boat from Palermo. Zucchini indeed! (PS. Carol, that's what we call it here). Kidding folks, kidding. I like Italy and the Italians. And I would like the Pope, even if he were Italian. No Guido, you can't have my address.

mjc from NM,USA

I say courgette, you say zucchini.....Let's call the whole thing off......

Stromness Dragon from throwing hands up in mock exasperation

whatever the d**n things are called they are delicous! bon appetit!

carol from dans mon jardin,脿 moi!

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