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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Flower tour

On nice days I love to wander around the lawn and walled garden peeking at the various bulbs and Snow Drops to note their progress. I am so thrilled that flowers show up in FEBRUARY!! Even back home in Massachusetts (my home state) we never had flowers in February!! Not even a *hint* of flowers until March at the earliest.

My ankle has been bothering me a thousand times more then before. The physio therapist has been using accupuncture to try and address the angry nerves because PT has caused the nerves to go ballistic. But...this is part of the fun of healing. I'm doing my best to stay positive and cheerful but ...

I can't help but admit that I'm struggling with a bit of (severe crushing) cabin fever and a feeling like an utter failure as a wife. I cannot stand on my feet more then a few minutes at a time and so my house is a wreck. I have to choose between cooking the meals, cleaning, or going outside. I can't do all three: I can only do one and then back I go on my ever-expanding rump to rest this blasted ankle.

Sorry to whine. If I don't say something I'm afraid I'll go mad.

Anyhoo, here are some photos of my "flower tour":

A bonnie patch of Snow Drops!

Some daffodils are starting to arrive!

I can't wait to see all of the daffodils in bloom in April! Erlend says it's super lovely. And I can't wait to see the Blue Bells and the Crow-cah-sez (Crowcas??) and those mysterious white flowers. I planted pink lillies indoors and Erlend planted more tomatoes. It's going to be a blooming spring around here!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 16:28


You'll have to post a photo of the 'mysterious white flowers' when they bloom, otherwise my female biped will explode with curiousity. Hope the ankle recovers in time for Spring. Whenever that is...

Flying Cat from Rolling Acres

crocus? one of my favourite flooers are bluebells. in my first house I had no garden, in my second I had hundreds of bluebells, but not much else as it was so near the sea. This house has loads of bushes trees and bulbs - all planted by me. Now I'm leaving and not taking my lovely garden. The new garden is fine but not many trees or bushes. And there appears to be no bulbs. Ah well - time to start all over again... chin up - use your time on your butt wisely - read, bake, make, EEK(I've just re read your blog) and another thing - since when should you not being able to stand on an injured ankle make you a FAILURE as a wife???? hhhrmmmpphh. bristle bristle. prioritise woman - forget the cleaning. cook very simple meals. or buy pies. go outside if it makes you feel better - and you can be with your husband too.

scallowawife from in the garden

Your poor ankle - nothing worse - have you tried putting it into cold water then hot water. Also rubbing the ankle and moving it gently around (not weightbearing) even though it hurts. This can confuse the angry nerves so they start behaving again!! But clear with your physio!! Love the pictures of your snowdrops - one of my favourite spring flowers along with daffodils. Hope you leaping around like Mr Zeb soon.

Newfies from Quarff

It's your blog and you can whine if you want to, we would whine too if it wasn't so blue ! THINK YOURSELF HAPPY !

Tws from Lewis

i must move north-your bulbs are way ahead of mine-climate change i suppose

carol from france

Orkney has a spring?? Wow. I thought there were just two seasons: Rainy Season and A Little Less Rain Rainy Season. I'll deffinately post a pic of the Mystery White Flowers so we can get them identified!


Cheer up, you'll feel better soon enough. In the meantime, don't do more than you can reasonably do. Get some help as needed with the house, and I am sure your husband will manage outside (he managed before you got married, right?). Spring will be here soon enough. Force some bulbs or get some flowers from the florist in Kirkwall or Stromness etc. In the meantime, read a book, watch a funny film, spend time writing personal private letters to your best friends. Oh, and make sure your Borzoi does not mistake FC for meat. If it did, it would not be very popular blog-side, I should think.

mjc from NM,USA

The Greeks thought that the Hyperboreans were a race of people who inhabited a land beyond the north wind which was a place of sunshine and plenty. To their eyes geographically somewhere about Orkney or Shetland ( also thought of as Thule). Well the climate hasn't seemed to fit that description for centuries, more 9 months winter and 3 months poor weather; but! Who knows, early flowers and getting earlier, a return to prelapsarian climes perhaps?

Hyper-Borean from Hyperboreas

I don't think Anne at IBHQ would subscribe to that more than kind sentiment mjc. The poor gel has her paws full slapping this cat's wrist. I feel so guilty....I could almost let a borzoi beat me up *sigh*.

Flying Cat from under a duvet

You may like getting beaten up, FC. De gustibus, of course: 'tis a democracy. However, what this Hound has in mind is more akin to raw feline hamburger.

mjc from NM,USA

I've ditched the cleaning and gotten my butt outside for the past two days and I feel MUCH better!! I think my sanity is more important then a clean tidy house right now. I can always become Super Wife once my ankle calms down. I'll bet Erlend will be happiest with a messy house and a cheerful wife vs. a clean house and a mental wife!!!

Michellechoza from In the garden

A metal wife? Another Angel of The North!

Flying Cat from an rsj

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