Good Saint Nicholas and sad puss news...
Posted: Thursday, 06 December 2007 |
Note: Saint Nicholas did not kill my cat. I'm sticking both topics together so I only have to make one post...
Seeing as how it's December 6th, the feast of Saint Nick, I've cracked out my Saint Nicholas statue and a pair of fake candles. (No dripping wax!)
Ah! Advent season yet again! I've come full circle with Island Blogging - it has to be at least a full year now. It's been so much fun blogging and reading all of your blogs as well. Happy Advent everyone!
Now for the sad news: Our lovely he-cat "King Tut" was struck by a car and killed. We sure will miss the cheerful puss who always materialized out of thin air (with many happy meows!) the moment you set foot outside of the house. I loved having him around while lambing in the creepy darkness of 3am or while going for walks. The farm sure is lonely without our King Tut around!
Brodgar and King Tut were good buddies and she was all out of sorts after he was hit. I hated watching her walk around the dairy in a big frantic circle as she tried to find him in the hours after he died. She's spent the past couple days in the house being spoiled rotten and as I type she's basking contentedly in front of the heater.

Seeing as how it's December 6th, the feast of Saint Nick, I've cracked out my Saint Nicholas statue and a pair of fake candles. (No dripping wax!)
Ah! Advent season yet again! I've come full circle with Island Blogging - it has to be at least a full year now. It's been so much fun blogging and reading all of your blogs as well. Happy Advent everyone!

Now for the sad news: Our lovely he-cat "King Tut" was struck by a car and killed. We sure will miss the cheerful puss who always materialized out of thin air (with many happy meows!) the moment you set foot outside of the house. I loved having him around while lambing in the creepy darkness of 3am or while going for walks. The farm sure is lonely without our King Tut around!

Brodgar and King Tut were good buddies and she was all out of sorts after he was hit. I hated watching her walk around the dairy in a big frantic circle as she tried to find him in the hours after he died. She's spent the past couple days in the house being spoiled rotten and as I type she's basking contentedly in front of the heater.

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 16:35
Christmas trees still beat me at my own game...
Posted: Monday, 10 December 2007 |
So, I managed to convince Erlend that we WOULD get a *real* tree this year - only to have all of the Christmas decorations I ordered never show up. Now I have a lovely five foot tree...and no ornaments. Ruth O' De Nort - you'll be happy to know that you and Erlend think alike: the tree is propped up in a bucket of wet sand. Advent wreath here I come!!!
I just spent The Half Hour Of Doom stringing the lights around my sturdy tree (I have new streaks of grey to show off...) and then I plugged in the string and flicked the switch and nothing happened! **Sigh**
I'll get back to ya'll once I come up with decorations. So far I have two peacock feathers, a string of dead lights, a coyote fur ruff, some artificial roses, a caribou antler...and a few other things I've dug up around the house. Cheers!
I just spent The Half Hour Of Doom stringing the lights around my sturdy tree (I have new streaks of grey to show off...) and then I plugged in the string and flicked the switch and nothing happened! **Sigh**
I'll get back to ya'll once I come up with decorations. So far I have two peacock feathers, a string of dead lights, a coyote fur ruff, some artificial roses, a caribou antler...and a few other things I've dug up around the house. Cheers!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 18:50
A very odd visitor on the farm...
Posted: Monday, 17 December 2007 |

"I beg your pardon madam moo but I requre use of the exit. Have you any idea where I can find it??"
**Ring Ring** "Hello?" (Mooing in background)
"Erlend?" (Mooing in background as well)
"Yeah?" (Moo! Mooooo!)
"Hey uh...we have a peacock strutting around in the byre..." (Moo! MOO!)
Right. So, we've had peacock sightings around our very rural neighborhood for the past week and no one knows where it came from or what it's doing out in these parts. He looks to be a juvinille (sp?) by the lack of long tail feathers and he's downright bonnie. I hope Mr. Peacock sticks around!
My best guess is that Sir Peacock has escaped the circus - I watched him hop up onto one of the long wires in the byre and he proceeded to flip round and round three times! It was an impressive performance indeed. After dismounting his improvised trapeez, said critter landed gracefully on his feet on the slats and sent an entire pen of enormous bovines running for their lives. As he strutted from one end of the pen to the other, all of the bovines (each easily outweighing Sir Peacock by at least 400kilos...) bolted to the opposite side and scrunched into a ball of terror. From this display of immense power I must also surmise that he didn't just come from the circus, he ran the circus...
We rarely suffer a dull moment on the farm.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 15:38
Molly is back!!
Posted: Tuesday, 18 December 2007 |

"I am alien robot cat - take me to your leader..".
Last night a cat hopped up onto the window sill and wouldn't you know it but the puss was the long-lost Molly! She's back and not dead YAY!! However, I think she's been cheating on us because ol' Mollykins is very FAT. But that's ok because it means she was not out starving. (She's wild but she comes to the kitchen window sill for treats...)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 18:15
Christmas Decorations!!
Posted: Wednesday, 19 December 2007 |
I was able to scrounge up a whole mess of things to decorate the tree with and here are some photos of the resulting chaos....well, first there are some farm pics and then we'll move to the tree pics.
A frosty December evening falls on the farm.
Orcadian starlings gather to discuss the weather before they raid the cattle silage and steal all of the grain.
My calf "Isadore" stuffing face at the grain trough as he peers over to see if I have a bottle of milk. That's all I am to this creature: a giant walking udder. (Is it me or...are the buildings in the background looking rather tilted?!)
Wur Nativity scene, complete with buffalo, bear and Christmas pudding.
Wur Christmas tree
Fun snowman ornament with even funner glitter snowflake ornament below. (And peacock feather off to the side...)
I couldn't find a tree topper so I crammed a statue of the Virgin Mary on the top of the tree. She's listing to port but that's ok. Notice how well her white and blue colour scheme sets off the bright red of the plastic chili peppers...
Caribou antlers have many uses. This one serves as a back scratcher, a barn cat scooter-out-of-the-houser, a pasta server, a Christmas ornament and a flapjack flipper.

A frosty December evening falls on the farm.

Orcadian starlings gather to discuss the weather before they raid the cattle silage and steal all of the grain.

My calf "Isadore" stuffing face at the grain trough as he peers over to see if I have a bottle of milk. That's all I am to this creature: a giant walking udder. (Is it me or...are the buildings in the background looking rather tilted?!)

Wur Nativity scene, complete with buffalo, bear and Christmas pudding.

Wur Christmas tree

Fun snowman ornament with even funner glitter snowflake ornament below. (And peacock feather off to the side...)

I couldn't find a tree topper so I crammed a statue of the Virgin Mary on the top of the tree. She's listing to port but that's ok. Notice how well her white and blue colour scheme sets off the bright red of the plastic chili peppers...

Caribou antlers have many uses. This one serves as a back scratcher, a barn cat scooter-out-of-the-houser, a pasta server, a Christmas ornament and a flapjack flipper.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 19:19