Early lambs!
Posted: Wednesday, 05 March 2008 |

Erlend practices his father skills... (Summer photo)
Magnus the ram jumped the fence and visited two of his wives about a month earlier then *we* had planned. Yesterday Madaline gave birth to healthy twin rams!! And doesn't she look proud... too bad my camera didn't work enough to take a photo.
I might be expecting a bairn myself so if the test is positive poor Erlend is going to have to lamb the sheep and care for the caddies by himself this year. (I was able to see the lambs by peeking from a safe distance...) I feel bad for him because he'll be up to his eyes with calving and also all of the craziness of preparing the fields for their crops. I told Erlend that if there is a little bun in my oven I'll gladly check the sheep at night via the cameras in the byre and then he can at least sleep unless there's an emergency. He's investigating some new cameras with zoom function so I can play pregnant demi-god and spy on the yows from the luxury of our warm bed.
I hope the test is positive for me ~ I'll keep ya'll updated! This would be our first and long awaited bairn!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 22:23
I'm pregnant!!
Posted: Friday, 07 March 2008 |
We got the good news today! I'm pregnant and Erlend will soon be able to put those bottle-nursing skills to good use!! YAHOO!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 20:35
I'm *supposedly* only one month along...
Posted: Monday, 10 March 2008 |

...but I've never seen a belly THAT big at only one month along! I've suspected pregnancy for about four months now but my tests have popped negative so I've been told, "No! You're not pregnant." Hmmm. I hope I can get an ultra sound scan real soon because it's getting hard to breathe, nearly impossible to bend over, hard to sit down, hard to eat more then two mouthfulls, hard to sleep in any position...I've got *something* in there and it's big!
(Note: Dog is not to scale...)
Back to bed for me ~ I've got the horrid flu!! Erlend was so sweet and he brough back a year's supply of soups and juices for this "one month along" pregnant lady. **Fever Shiver** can't...get...warm... (That's it, pity me! Lay it on thick!)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:43