"Island Blogging" is about life on an island in Scotland...
Posted: Tuesday, 16 September 2008 |
...not about my personal politics. This is why I have another blog where I can flap my opinionated jaws with abandon. While here on Island Blogging I try and restrain myself to blogging about living on a farm in Orkney. Which only makes sense...
So with that said, I would like to apologize to everyone with regards to those folks who came over here from my other, opinionated blog to "Things Go Moo in the Night..." and carried on with their personal problems about things I was saying on my *other* blog. My cousin Becky from Vegas just informed me that this was taking place. Thanks, Beek!
To those of you that came here and cross-commented nicely, thank you for your thoughts but can you please do me a favor and not cross-comment in the future as this leaves the other readers here utterly confused about what is being discussed?
To those who come over here from my Catholic blog and carry on about me and my opinions on a blog about Scottish island life I say : KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY. There's a reason I removed comments from my other blog and it wasn't so you could stalk me over here and continue with your nonsense! I was sick and tired of your harassment and personal attacks over there and I don't appreciate them over here. I'm not against having an *adult* arguement about things we disagree on but obviously this is not something that you can handle. So: No. Coments. For. You.
I was sick and tired of LOCAL people harassing me as well, and saying things about me that were not true and causing trouble in my new family ~ and even going so far as sending someone to my house. That was not cool, people! Sending someone to my house?! Seriously!! I'm not impressed with the fact that a good friend of mine had to be dragged into this stupidity just because you folk can't handle the fact that you disagree with my views! Hello! It's high time to accept the fact that there are *gasp!* people out there with different views then you. And guess what? You just have to live with it! Neener, neener!.
To "Lisa" from "nearby" ~ We are paying 拢3,000 for an independent midwife. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
So, anyway, Harassment isn't ok. I won't tolerate it and that's why I shut down comments "over there." To the usual readers on Island Blogging, I'm sorry that the nonsense came "over here." Hopefully it won't continue.
By the way: I'm doing well! I'm very healthy and the baby is growing like a weed. Erlend and I are still madly in love. The farm is going strong and my handsome man is still slaving away at the organic conversion. I've had a rough pregnancy with all of the usual normal stuff and so I haven't written much. Also, I got rather spooked after all of the crappola that flared up because of my other blog so I stopped writing for a while. But then the stubborn American in me flared back up and I'm busy flapping my opinionated jaws once again.
This pregnancy fun includes the ever wonderful, horrifically painful pubis symphasis disorder. **Applause!!** I don't sit down much these days ~ I even stand when eating my meals and I stand all through church on Sundays like some kind of creepy lurker. But hey! I'm getting KILLER thighs in the process hehehe!
Some of you expressed a very real concern about my safety and the safety of my baby if I give birth here on the island. Do understand that if ANYTHING comes up ~ as in anything real ~ I will not hesitate to go and give birth in Aberdeen. In fact I'll want to go give birth in Aberdeen! But as of right now I am perfectly healthy. Me "being fat" is not a good enough reason to ship me south, strap me down to a bed on monitors, and make a hysterical mess out of my labor and delivery. Also, the fibroids are of such minimal risk for post partum hemorrage that, once again, I do not see any reason to panic. The risk is so minimal that it is officially labled "rare" ~ and a rare risk of post partum hemorrage does not equal "high risk" in my book. If I end up with complications and have to be air-lifted from the island, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then I am not going to turn a perfectly healthy pregnancy into a hysterical fearful circus. It's not about privacy and candles ~ it's about just plain giving birth. (Although privacy and candles sound great...thanks for the idea!) Birth is natural. It is not a pathology nor is it an emergency.
Also, keep in mind that I am not a tiny little petit Orcadian woman ~ or tiny petit British woman for that matter! ~ I'm a honkin' big Crow Indian woman from America. My grandmother stood over six feet tall and worked as a logger in Northern Vermont back when wimmin didn't do such things. She was built like what we Americans would term "a brick ****house." So am I. I'm the spitin' image of granny. Yes, I'm also fat but think about it: I have a huge Crow Indian skeleton that requires much bigger muscle mass then a petit Orcadian. I'm already going to be "overweight" by default right from the start. Add a healthy layer of fat and before you know it folk are in hysterics! "Yer 'morbidly obese'!! Yer gonna die!" I've had my actual fat % assessed not so long ago, back when I was a big fat firefighter in Alaska that walked everywhere with 50lbs of college books on my back because I didn't have a car and never budged from 265lbs throughout and never died from fatness or otherwise had "obesity related" health problems... and that BMI chart?? It's so utterly clueless it makes my teeth hurt. Morbidly Obese? Yeah... meanwhile I'm perfectly healthy, my bloods are perfect... I'm strong and fit... Can you see my point? Do you see why I'm not freaking out and running in circles about giving birth sans all of the needless interventions "because yer fat" ??? Give me a break already! Strap me down to monitors because I'm fat?? I don't think so, folks. Anyway, I don't deny that I'm fat and I don't care if people say I'm fat ~ because I am! And I'm not ashamed of that fact. But when it comes to my health I look at my actual health, not the latest hysterical fad.
Like I said: if anything crops up between now and when my first labor pains arrive, I'll be looking for help. I'm not against hospitals. This isn't about me "proving" anything or "being tough." I just think hospitals are for sick people or emergencies ~ and unless I'm sick or dealing with an emergency I don't need to be there!
I'm due November 4th ~ Just around the corner. Hopefully we'll have a camera soon and I'll be able to return to posting about LIFE ON AN ISLAND IN SCOTLAND. (Just wanted to make sure that some of my *other* readers understand what this blog is all about...)
Cheerio for noo!
So with that said, I would like to apologize to everyone with regards to those folks who came over here from my other, opinionated blog to "Things Go Moo in the Night..." and carried on with their personal problems about things I was saying on my *other* blog. My cousin Becky from Vegas just informed me that this was taking place. Thanks, Beek!
To those of you that came here and cross-commented nicely, thank you for your thoughts but can you please do me a favor and not cross-comment in the future as this leaves the other readers here utterly confused about what is being discussed?
To those who come over here from my Catholic blog and carry on about me and my opinions on a blog about Scottish island life I say : KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY. There's a reason I removed comments from my other blog and it wasn't so you could stalk me over here and continue with your nonsense! I was sick and tired of your harassment and personal attacks over there and I don't appreciate them over here. I'm not against having an *adult* arguement about things we disagree on but obviously this is not something that you can handle. So: No. Coments. For. You.
I was sick and tired of LOCAL people harassing me as well, and saying things about me that were not true and causing trouble in my new family ~ and even going so far as sending someone to my house. That was not cool, people! Sending someone to my house?! Seriously!! I'm not impressed with the fact that a good friend of mine had to be dragged into this stupidity just because you folk can't handle the fact that you disagree with my views! Hello! It's high time to accept the fact that there are *gasp!* people out there with different views then you. And guess what? You just have to live with it! Neener, neener!.
To "Lisa" from "nearby" ~ We are paying 拢3,000 for an independent midwife. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
So, anyway, Harassment isn't ok. I won't tolerate it and that's why I shut down comments "over there." To the usual readers on Island Blogging, I'm sorry that the nonsense came "over here." Hopefully it won't continue.
By the way: I'm doing well! I'm very healthy and the baby is growing like a weed. Erlend and I are still madly in love. The farm is going strong and my handsome man is still slaving away at the organic conversion. I've had a rough pregnancy with all of the usual normal stuff and so I haven't written much. Also, I got rather spooked after all of the crappola that flared up because of my other blog so I stopped writing for a while. But then the stubborn American in me flared back up and I'm busy flapping my opinionated jaws once again.
This pregnancy fun includes the ever wonderful, horrifically painful pubis symphasis disorder. **Applause!!** I don't sit down much these days ~ I even stand when eating my meals and I stand all through church on Sundays like some kind of creepy lurker. But hey! I'm getting KILLER thighs in the process hehehe!
Some of you expressed a very real concern about my safety and the safety of my baby if I give birth here on the island. Do understand that if ANYTHING comes up ~ as in anything real ~ I will not hesitate to go and give birth in Aberdeen. In fact I'll want to go give birth in Aberdeen! But as of right now I am perfectly healthy. Me "being fat" is not a good enough reason to ship me south, strap me down to a bed on monitors, and make a hysterical mess out of my labor and delivery. Also, the fibroids are of such minimal risk for post partum hemorrage that, once again, I do not see any reason to panic. The risk is so minimal that it is officially labled "rare" ~ and a rare risk of post partum hemorrage does not equal "high risk" in my book. If I end up with complications and have to be air-lifted from the island, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then I am not going to turn a perfectly healthy pregnancy into a hysterical fearful circus. It's not about privacy and candles ~ it's about just plain giving birth. (Although privacy and candles sound great...thanks for the idea!) Birth is natural. It is not a pathology nor is it an emergency.
Also, keep in mind that I am not a tiny little petit Orcadian woman ~ or tiny petit British woman for that matter! ~ I'm a honkin' big Crow Indian woman from America. My grandmother stood over six feet tall and worked as a logger in Northern Vermont back when wimmin didn't do such things. She was built like what we Americans would term "a brick ****house." So am I. I'm the spitin' image of granny. Yes, I'm also fat but think about it: I have a huge Crow Indian skeleton that requires much bigger muscle mass then a petit Orcadian. I'm already going to be "overweight" by default right from the start. Add a healthy layer of fat and before you know it folk are in hysterics! "Yer 'morbidly obese'!! Yer gonna die!" I've had my actual fat % assessed not so long ago, back when I was a big fat firefighter in Alaska that walked everywhere with 50lbs of college books on my back because I didn't have a car and never budged from 265lbs throughout and never died from fatness or otherwise had "obesity related" health problems... and that BMI chart?? It's so utterly clueless it makes my teeth hurt. Morbidly Obese? Yeah... meanwhile I'm perfectly healthy, my bloods are perfect... I'm strong and fit... Can you see my point? Do you see why I'm not freaking out and running in circles about giving birth sans all of the needless interventions "because yer fat" ??? Give me a break already! Strap me down to monitors because I'm fat?? I don't think so, folks. Anyway, I don't deny that I'm fat and I don't care if people say I'm fat ~ because I am! And I'm not ashamed of that fact. But when it comes to my health I look at my actual health, not the latest hysterical fad.
Like I said: if anything crops up between now and when my first labor pains arrive, I'll be looking for help. I'm not against hospitals. This isn't about me "proving" anything or "being tough." I just think hospitals are for sick people or emergencies ~ and unless I'm sick or dealing with an emergency I don't need to be there!
I'm due November 4th ~ Just around the corner. Hopefully we'll have a camera soon and I'll be able to return to posting about LIFE ON AN ISLAND IN SCOTLAND. (Just wanted to make sure that some of my *other* readers understand what this blog is all about...)
Cheerio for noo!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:11
I'm so tired...
Posted: Thursday, 18 September 2008 |
...I just want all of the arguing and nonsense to stop. I just want to be pregnant but I can't. I just want to hurry up and give birth and get this over with so I don't have to be pregnant any more. I thought it would be so wonderful but it's not. It sucks. I haven't been able to enjoy it. I'm so glad that I'm having a baby but other then that, I'm fed up. I thank God that I haven't had any complications thus far because I'd probably go nutso. The pubis symphasis is bad but I'm used to pain so it's no big deal really. Knowing that it's temporary really helps me to cope. Erlend being a sweetie really helps. And having occupational therapy come elevate my chair and such has been a real blessing. But my nice, normal, healthy pregnancy? What a hysterical mess. I'm sick of it all and I just want it to end. I hope this baby arrives at the end of October so I can just get done being pregnant. I want more kids but I'm not looking forward to the possible next time(s) of being pregnant because the circus will start all over again! I like to keep things simple but I guess that's just not possible when you're pregnant. Oh well, at least I've developed a liking for fresh, home-grown beet root because it's supposed to be very good for you when you're expecting. When my kids grow up they'll say, "What do you remember of being pregnant with us?" and I'll say, "The fresh beet-root. It was grand. I can't remember much else." Erlend's neeps are pretty good too. He's a good farmer and a fantastic gardener. I can't wait to watch our kids grow up on this farm!
Goodnight. I'm exhausted. I had fun helping husband shred newspapers for the compost pile (helped along by Torf the bull who is temporarily inside getting fattened up because he's rather thin...) and now it's time to sleep! Or maybe not yet because I can hear Erlend still rustling aboot. I'll go haunt some Island Blogs while I wait. That's always fun.
Goodnight. I'm exhausted. I had fun helping husband shred newspapers for the compost pile (helped along by Torf the bull who is temporarily inside getting fattened up because he's rather thin...) and now it's time to sleep! Or maybe not yet because I can hear Erlend still rustling aboot. I'll go haunt some Island Blogs while I wait. That's always fun.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 22:28
Hissing Sid and his sister Jo...
Posted: Friday, 26 September 2008 |
May I present: Hissing Sid!
One false move on your part and I shall strike...
Because it has been aboot a year since we last hit up the for more furry devils, we decided it was time to add some new barn cats to our collection. We really like having barn cats slinking around as they not only add cheer to the place but they have a taste for rats and mice.
Last night we drove out to Burry in order to visit with two semi-wild barn kitties, "Hissing Sid" and his sister "Jo." The drive was nice and peaceful and Erlend filled me in on several of the latest things he needs to organize as we prepare to launch out into the organic farming scheme. I must admit that I'm glad that he is the one running this show! I'd have lost my mind by now. I'll gladly continue in my work as the Domestic Engineer and quasi-Shepherdess.
Anyhoo, we arrived at the Cat Fosterer's house and were soon led to a cheerful puss-palace containing three cats: one extremely friendly orange fella and the two cats in question. The Fosterer aimed her flashlight at the opening to a little cave and we watched as two mouths opened wide to display sharp fangs while letting loose with copious hisses and growls. "Look at that!" I declared. "They like us!"
"Aye!" Erlend agreed as we scooted closer and observed our future barn residents.
"Yeppers!" I said as I peered at the two huddling balls of hissing fury. "They'll deffinately survive on the farm!"
"Aye!" Erlend wholeheartedly agreed while the orange puss swirled around his ankles and purred with sheer devotion. We spent some time stroking the tame puss while devising a plan about how to get Hissing Sid and Jo into our critter cage.
The Cat Fosterer gestured at the orange puss. "He's part of this group. They came from the same place." she announced and then she and Erlend went off to fetch heavy leather gloves and the cage. I snatched the orange puss up into my arms and enjoyed plenty of attention from him and then I said, "Oh... poor thing! We're about to take away your two friends." I stroked his back. "I guess we'll have to take you away as well."
Erlend returned with the Cat Fosterer and her husband as well as two pairs of sturdy leather gloves and the cage. "Erlend..." I called out from the puss palace. "There's no way we can leave this one behind - we'll just have to take him along with us, ok?"
"Aye." Erlend replied and the Cat Fosterer very kindly grabbed one of her small cat carriers. Orange Puss was soon bundled away and then came the showdown with Hissing Sid and Jo. My brave husband was the one chosen to dive into the fray... a rather nervous Erlend leaned in through the large cave entrance and with much hissing, snarling, and swatting of paws the cats were gently pursuaded by his gloved hand to scoot through the small cave entrance and into our cage. "Way to go Erlend!" I cheered as my husband quickly locked the doors shut.. "You've earned big Man Points from me tonight!!"
All the way home to the West Mainland we had a minor chorus of concerned mews rising from the boot of the van but on the whole the cats were rather pragmatic and settled in for the ride without much fuss. Now they will spend two weeks in our puss-proof stable so that they don't pack up and head back to Burry via paw power. Hopefully they'll enjoy their new home!

One false move on your part and I shall strike...
Because it has been aboot a year since we last hit up the for more furry devils, we decided it was time to add some new barn cats to our collection. We really like having barn cats slinking around as they not only add cheer to the place but they have a taste for rats and mice.
Last night we drove out to Burry in order to visit with two semi-wild barn kitties, "Hissing Sid" and his sister "Jo." The drive was nice and peaceful and Erlend filled me in on several of the latest things he needs to organize as we prepare to launch out into the organic farming scheme. I must admit that I'm glad that he is the one running this show! I'd have lost my mind by now. I'll gladly continue in my work as the Domestic Engineer and quasi-Shepherdess.
Anyhoo, we arrived at the Cat Fosterer's house and were soon led to a cheerful puss-palace containing three cats: one extremely friendly orange fella and the two cats in question. The Fosterer aimed her flashlight at the opening to a little cave and we watched as two mouths opened wide to display sharp fangs while letting loose with copious hisses and growls. "Look at that!" I declared. "They like us!"
"Aye!" Erlend agreed as we scooted closer and observed our future barn residents.
"Yeppers!" I said as I peered at the two huddling balls of hissing fury. "They'll deffinately survive on the farm!"
"Aye!" Erlend wholeheartedly agreed while the orange puss swirled around his ankles and purred with sheer devotion. We spent some time stroking the tame puss while devising a plan about how to get Hissing Sid and Jo into our critter cage.
The Cat Fosterer gestured at the orange puss. "He's part of this group. They came from the same place." she announced and then she and Erlend went off to fetch heavy leather gloves and the cage. I snatched the orange puss up into my arms and enjoyed plenty of attention from him and then I said, "Oh... poor thing! We're about to take away your two friends." I stroked his back. "I guess we'll have to take you away as well."
Erlend returned with the Cat Fosterer and her husband as well as two pairs of sturdy leather gloves and the cage. "Erlend..." I called out from the puss palace. "There's no way we can leave this one behind - we'll just have to take him along with us, ok?"
"Aye." Erlend replied and the Cat Fosterer very kindly grabbed one of her small cat carriers. Orange Puss was soon bundled away and then came the showdown with Hissing Sid and Jo. My brave husband was the one chosen to dive into the fray... a rather nervous Erlend leaned in through the large cave entrance and with much hissing, snarling, and swatting of paws the cats were gently pursuaded by his gloved hand to scoot through the small cave entrance and into our cage. "Way to go Erlend!" I cheered as my husband quickly locked the doors shut.. "You've earned big Man Points from me tonight!!"
All the way home to the West Mainland we had a minor chorus of concerned mews rising from the boot of the van but on the whole the cats were rather pragmatic and settled in for the ride without much fuss. Now they will spend two weeks in our puss-proof stable so that they don't pack up and head back to Burry via paw power. Hopefully they'll enjoy their new home!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 17:52