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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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It's 2:09am and I'm desparately trying to stay awake...

...while Elspeth spends a few minutes in her vibrating luxury seat after having had a good feed of milk. She refuses to release the last bit of gas so I'm following "that retired midwife's" advice and giving her some sitting-up time. She's grunting away so I'm guessing something else is also taking place ~ another diaper change perhaps? I cannot believe the amount of diapers this kid creates in a day!! We have these really cool biodegradable diapers made from natural materials and some biodegradable bags to stash them in. In spite of our being careful the house is beginning to smell like a diaper pail just the same...

I was on the horn to the maternity ward yet again. The midwives and doctors there know me well by now ~ I'm forever calling with concerns or showing up in the middle of the night with a perfectly healhty baby (and a patient Erlend in tow) while saying, "SOMETHING'S WRONG!!"

No, nothing is ever actually wrong ~ I just have no idea what I'm doing and every little grunt or snuffle = impending doom for my little bairn.

Not long ago it was, "She's breathing funny!" Tonight it was, "She hasn't gone poop!" An hour after I hung up the phone Elspeth obligingly filled her diaper... (If only I had waited.)

I call it NewMotherSyndrome. Thank GOD the maternity ward is used to new mothers and have endless patience. Or at least they fake it well...

Erlend escaped Diaperville for a while and spent some Man Time with his fellow farmers at the Orkney Agricultural Discussion Society get-together in Kirkwall. He came back about midnight looking quite refreshed ~ it's good to see him get away from the farm and chum around with fellow males. There's about 400 females here aboots. And that's not counting the wife, Aunt, and bairn in the hoose! I asked him, "What'd you discuss tonight?"

"Farming." he told me.

Really? I never would have guessed...

He got ribbed a bit. "Hi, dad." folk said. Erlend was glowing when he told me about this. I can see that he still loves being a father despite the sleepless nights and the fact that Elspeth has discovered how to scream non-stop for hours on end. (She's a talented bairn!) I go to bed at 9pm and Elspeth starts up from then until midnight when she finally passes out from sheer fatigue. Somehow I managed to get her settled at 9pm tonight with some milk and some cuddling and by 9:30 she was sound asleep and didn't wake up until 1am looking for a feed! Aunt Diane and I are still recovering from shock...

Erlend is sooo good to his daughter! Whenever she's awake and he comes into the house he scoops her up into his arms and dances around the house. One afternoon he came inside for dinner and saw Elspeth sitting in her vibrating luxury seat. He stared at her for a moment and then declared, "I can't resist you any longer!" With that he scooped her up and loved her to bits.

He daily earns uber Man Points in my eyes. He's the best!

As I type there's a mouse digging away in the wall. Ugh! Where is FC when you need him?? I was sitting on the toilet in the wee hours of the morning the other day when a mouse came zipping into the bathroom. Since all I saw was a flash of motion I let out a scream of terror and about fell off the throne. I have no idea who was more freaked out: myself or the mouse. The furry critter spun around and ran for its little rodent life while I laughed hysterically. Elspeth woke up crying and Erlend stared at me down the hallway from where he lay on the bed. I stared back from my perch. "I'm so glad you came running to my rescue." I quipped dryly.

"I kent you were ok." he replied.

"Oh? How so?" I wondered and Erlend grinned.

Well, it's been 20 minutes and the grunting continues upstairs in the vibrating luxury seat. Guess I'd better go investigate a diaper...

I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before I sleep
and miles to go before I sleep...

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 02:26


I thought my wee man was the only one that screamed for hours on end! I thought I must have been doing something terribly wrong! Thankfully he's outgrown that now but it was so hard at the time. Now all we have to nail is the sleeping right through...Its never ending but so worth it! I miss that new mum feeling (didn't think I'd ever hear myself saying that)! I was the same with my first too every little sniffle was a trip to the doc!! By the time you have number two you wish that that one came first cos it would have saved a lot of time and unecessary worrying! I hope that made sense..

IL from harris

my first health visitor said all first children should be scrunched up and chucked out like a used brown paper bag - cos you've ruined them.... they're just experiments....

scallowawife from down memory lane...

When a Scot says he knew something he couldn't see, I always explain it as "second sight," or overconfidence, depending on whether he was right or wrong.

sellCivilizationShort from Asia

Lovely upbeat comments, and I too love Robert Frost.

Katrina from Mideastern cornfields (soybeans, too) USA

Happy Thanksgiving, Moo!! PS- do you ever read blogs? If so, you should try Pioneer Woman's blog. I started reading it for her cooking part of the blog, but the rest is delightful. She lives on a cattle ranch in Okla. Look her up!!

Shauna from Tejas, USA

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