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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Forget a clean house - I'm getting OUTSIDE !! (Another flower tour...)

Well...I considered the fact that my handsome farmer husband might be happier with a messy house and a cheery wife vs. a mental wife and a clean house.

So I ditched the attempts at housework and went outside these past two days. (I have to choose between doing a bit of housework or going outside - my ankle isn't ready for both yet.)

And WOW what an improvement in my mood!!!!!!!

Here are some photos of my latest flower tour. I have no idea what most of these are...but that doesn't make them any less delightful!!

(The above is a photo of our wee tomato plants!)

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 15:27


Moo, those tomato plants look etiolated. They need more sun or artificial light. Would be easier to buy strong starters from your island nursery, I should think unless you have a greenhouse with lights.

mjc from NM,USA

Ah Ha! two great minds think alike and what a superb two days of garden bliss.

AcutelyCurious from Coll

Oh, lovely to see the first signs of Spring isn't it? I did a similar tour a couple of weeks ago and was amazed to find a ROSE in full bloom in a sheltered spot behind a dyke. I was tempted to cut it and bring it indoors, but in the end decided to leave it in it's natural surroundings 'one day of life for a butterfly' etc. Needless to say, in a couple of days the gales had got it and it was gone - but I did take a picture of it!

capricornBigcat from West Mainland

can someone explain to me i am living onbe hour from the med you are in the far north of bonnie scotland and you flowers are further ahead than over here?????

carol. from france

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so clean up your act, and maybe, just maybe the stork will start stretching its wings to prepare itself for departure to your homestead.

Tws from Clean living from Hearth and Home

We are more lovely and more temperate...

Flying Cat from a Northern Fastness

Moo's husband may well be Mr. Elton in disguise. Cara sposa and such.

mjc from NM,USA

The tomatoes have been getting daily light-box treatment. First we humans bask in the fake sun rays and then we turn the box aroond to the tomatoes. Clean up my act TWS?? I didn't know I was in the Orkney Light Opera!!

Michellechoza from by the tomato plants

Oh well, I tried: the truth is that not all lightbulbs are created equal. Good luck with/to your tomatoes.

mjc from NM,USA

I think it's KAOS. Very like ib... mjc - Mr Elton was such a creep, how COULD you? I've just recently enjoyed renewing the acquaintance of Mr Slope who was of the same ilk.

Flying Cat from ancient music compendium

FCj: Yes, Trollope is an incredible writer, and his output was stupendous. In long hand too. AND he had a full time job as well. The production of the Barchester Chronices (麻豆官网首页入口) is always a pleasure to revisit. Mrs. Proudie and the Archdeacon are played wonderfully. # Mr. Elton is handsome and the Eltons get along very well together: they are also an important part of their community.

mjc from NM,USA

After further consideration, and after FC pointed it out to me, I beg to withdraw my unfortunate comparison of Moo's husband (whom I am confident is a very nice person) to Mr. Elton. My snide remark was unkind and uncalled for. Apologies.

mjc from NM,USA

Ha, ha mjc is in trouble again, you'll get banned if you're not careful. Sorry seems to be the hardest word !!!

Tws from loose women

Got my edoocatiun from the Irish Christian brothers (and Loreto sisters beforehand). Therefore, I believe in being forgiven, and also that John McCormack was a great tenor. "I'm going to Graceland, Graceland ..." ( a different singer, but what the heck?!).

mjc from NM,USA

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