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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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"Size Zero" show I watched on TV last night

What a sad show I watched last night. It was about the latest fad: starved and emaciated females. The fashion world is now forcing "Size Zero" onto women.

Ok, let me get this straight: when we see pictures of starved and emaciated women in the Third World we get sick to our stomachs and feel horrible. And many of us send money to help feed them.

But when we see an emaciated white woman in the West with her bones sticking out we say, "She's my hero!"

So...we only value emaciation when it is done on purpose. We only respect starvation that is forced upon a person by their own self-will. "Look at how hard she works to starve (ahem...I mean diet) herself thin!"

Let me take this a step further: Is it possible that there is so much starvation in our world (willing and unwilling) beacuse we have pinned some kind of moral achivement onto self-starvation? If we are starved because there is no food to be had then we need help and the world pities us. But if we starve ourselves on purpose we are "disciplined" and someone to be admired??

"Look at how hard she works to maintain her figure!" we say as we watch a starved woman strut down the street. And then we purse our lips in disgust as a fat woman strolls by. "And look at her - she's a lazy pig with no self control!"

Is this why we don't work to acctually stop World Hunger: because we think women must be emaciated in order to be valued as human beings?

The media is being severely irresponsible. Whenever any media outlet promotes pictures or images of emaciated women they are telling all women and girls that, "You must look like this in order to be acceptable." That is dangerous. And wrong. Who gave the media or the fashion industry the right to set themselves up as our moral authority??

Yes, yes I've heard all of the tired "health" arguments. "If you are fat you are going to die of obesity!" But let's face the facts here: the "Body Mass Index" has been proven to be absolute bunk and there are plenty of medical studies that show how people with fat do very well in life - as long as they are fit. And that skinny people have increased mortality and increased cancer/diabetes/heart disease risks when they are underweight and/or not fit.

Did you know that as long as you are fit you can be 80 pounds overweight without any danger to your health? And that if you are just 5 pounds underweight you increase your mortality? Did you know that your health is determined by your fitness rather then your fat percentage?? Anyone, regardless of size, is at risk for death and disease when they are not fit.

What would happen to our world (including the Third World) if we human beings started to value fitness and strength rather then emaciated bodies?? Would women be allowed to have acctual bodies? Would they be loved for their minds and their characters rather then their waist measurements??

Women cry and wail for "equal rights" and to be set free from oppression. Yet what are we enduring right now if not the worst case of objectification and oppression? It surprises me that women will spend so much energy and time screaming at the Catholic Church for refusing to ordain women - but they bow at the altar of the Fashion Industry and salute the media which enslaves them to self-starvation and a collective world-wide eating disorder.

Every woman I know is on a diet. "I have to lose weight!" they have wailed for the past twenty years or so. Every year, every week, every day, "I have to lose weight!" All that they seem to think about is FOOD. You can't have a conversation without them wistfully wishing for this or that food - and then feeling guilty for wanting it. You can't eat without them making you totally uncomfortable as they fork tiny portions onto their plates and complain bitterly about their size.

Can you imagine what we women would be if we used this much time and energy to develop talents and skills?

But why bother. If we live in a world that only values us based on our waist-size then skills and talents will never matter.

What misery to constantly be at war with yourself.

You are beautiful NOW. Just the way you are now. You are beautiful and you are meant to be here - no matter what size you are. Yes, be fit and yes, eat healthy fresh foods in normal (not diet) portions. But don't fall for the awful lie that you are not worth something unless you are a skinny emaciated thing.

Love yourself. Life is too short to spend it punishing yourself via food.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 09:12


go to it Moo, I threw my scales out years ago and refused to worry about my size any more. I reckoned that if the doctor wasn't shouting at me about my weight I had nothing to worry about, and I was fed up with being moody and crabby. I go walking regularly (3 circuits round my place of work = a mile and I don't need to listen to people moaning about work at lunch time which is a bonus). I eat what I like when I like (and as a result I have come down two dress sizes - go figure)

jas from under mia's paw

I saw that program too ... and I heard an interesting reason for the size Zero problem the other day ... It's possible that the photographer is the most important publicist for these fashion houses ... and seems that a lot of the most sought-after photographers are gay men ... and having spoken with quite a few of them, sources have reported that they're men who work best whilst photographing a slight and 'boyish' figure, and are physically unable, with the best will in the world, of bringing their creative skills to photographing a voluptuous woman to make her look good ... Other than that, it has to be down to the fashion houses, who unashamedly said in the program last night that their clothes looked best on thin women ... While we still have this ridiculous notion of letting some tarted up fashion house tell us what to wear and what not to wear, we will always have this problem ...

Soaplady from sitting proud and firm on large padded bottom ...!

(This is Michellechoza) I do NOT agree one bit with those washed-out photographers! Starved women do not "look good" in clothing! They look STARVED. As in "Concentration Camp Chic." The clothes just hang off of their emaciated bodies and meanwhile I'm gagging as I look at the arm bones protruding through the skin!! What normal WOMAN can get pregnant and carry a child to term when her stomach is *concave* ?? You're right - this "boyish" figure thing has gone too far. We are women for God's sake - not men! Or young boys for that matter. (Which is equally sick...why do we want to see young boys??)

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney on the fairm

It has become a HUGE problem, especially in the fashion industry. Luckily, there are a few designers who are turning away "stick-figure" models. It's not much, but it's a start. I know I'm damn well ready for women to begin embracing their curves again! Women are supposed to have curves, not look like 12-year old boys! It's part of what makes us women!

Willow from Las Vegas, NV USA

Oh man I hear ya! AMEN SISTER! I do not advocate that we all sit on our butts being unhealthy and stuffing face with greasy food. But for goodness sake we are WOMEN not young boys!! And the whole dieting/morality thing just makes me want to scream. If we want to be moral people let us love our neighbors and give to the poor! Dieting and "maintaining a figure" is nothing short of selfish self-worship. What good is it if I am fashionable and thin but I do nothing to help those who don't have a choice about starvation?? (Willow has the PERFECT body: healthy and fit but beautifully curvy and not starved. I wish I could see HER on the cover of a magazine - as well as women my size right next to her: REAL WOMEN!)

Michelle Therese from Hugging her sister Willow

i agree ,fashion designers are going too far, i know a girl who used to be a top model--5ft10ins,45kilos and she felt fat. I used to wonder how her and others like her they were never hungry,till she came clean-she was doing cocaine!! she told me loads of top models are into coke and heroin some were proposed by their agents. my friend was lucky she realised what harm she was doing checked into rehab and has given up the catwalk; she is now a nicer person-no mood swings,still a bit on the thin side but looker almost normal for her size!

carol from france

Everything in moderation has always been my motto ( no it hasn't, but it is now, too fat or too thin oops brackets ) somewhere in between a pencil and a beached whale, is fine, that'll do nicely.

Tws from A Moderate Croft Lewis

Ah TWS! Noo yer mawkin sense!

Michelle Therese from holding a pencil

Surely not. I think MT really meant to say mawkish, Tws....don't you?

Flying Cat from a hard stare

tell it sista!

yo mamma from my house

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