Easter Sunday! Happy Easter!! Happy Spring!!
Posted: Sunday, 08 April 2007 |
Here's a nice quote that I really enjoy:
"What does the Lord ask of you? To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God."
Just thought I'd share! hehehehe HAPPY EASTER!
Jesus has risen from the dead! (At least, that's what we Catholics believe. Please don't be offended if you have differing beliefs!)
I woke up to a pair of smiling blue eyes: Erlend! (Not Jesus!) He's alway such a cheerful creature upon waking up.
Sadly, my Easter ham never came in and now I have nothing to cook for Easter dinner except some mince...or maybe some steaks? Hmmm! Now THERE is an idea! "Easter Steaks."
We are so worn out from lambing and calving that I never even thought to plan anything for dinner! Not even a nice desert! So now I'm scramblinb to pull together some kind of Easter feast at 11:45am. (My brain is just now waking up hahahahaha!!)
We light the Pascal Candle at the Easter Vigil Mass and renew our baptismal vows.
I have...rump steak, prawns and twa lamb chops and also some frozen raspberries. If I delay dinner until 2pm...I just might be able to pull off some kind of a cake or pie! I'll have to give hubby a ring and see if he can wait until 2pm.
Update: I did just that AND I baked a chocolate raspberry cake to boot! Erlend had himself a lovely feast when he came in for dinner at 2pm!
And now when I say the office of Night Prayer I shall sing:
Regina c忙li l忙tare, Alleluia:
Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia:
Resurrexit sicut dixit, Allelluia:
Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia
(Queen of Heaven, rejoice! Alleluia!
For the Son thou wast privileged to bear, Alleluia!
Is risen as He said. Alleluia!
Pray for us to God. Alleluia!)
Erlend and I were able to go to Easter Mass because the cows and sheep held off on giving birth. (Thank you! Thank you kind masters!) Erlend looked so fine in his suit. I had chosen a nice skirt to wear but the weather was so coarse that I ended up wearing a pair of jeans under it! Once at Mass I thought I was safe because the skirt was very long. However, the old elastic waistband had given out and I had pinned it - but the pin let loose and all during Mass I had to struggle to keep my skirt on!!!!! I was nearly having a fit of laughter by the end because my skirt was just hanging off of me. I had to clutch at it while going up for Holy Communion and I kept praying that it wouldn't fall off and cause me to trip and fall on my face. I *did* manage to wear my Easter hat though - but I had to carry it (clutched tightly to my chest) into Saint Magnus Cathedral due to the nasty wind.
I keep missing the Easter Vigil on Saturday night because I forget that it is not the same Mass as the one on Easter Sunday morning. Last year I swore I wouldn't forget. But I did. So...maybe next year I'll get it right! (I've been Catholic for 9 years now. You'd think I'd have caught on hahaha!)
"What does the Lord ask of you? To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God."
Just thought I'd share! hehehehe HAPPY EASTER!

Jesus has risen from the dead! (At least, that's what we Catholics believe. Please don't be offended if you have differing beliefs!)
I woke up to a pair of smiling blue eyes: Erlend! (Not Jesus!) He's alway such a cheerful creature upon waking up.
Sadly, my Easter ham never came in and now I have nothing to cook for Easter dinner except some mince...or maybe some steaks? Hmmm! Now THERE is an idea! "Easter Steaks."
We are so worn out from lambing and calving that I never even thought to plan anything for dinner! Not even a nice desert! So now I'm scramblinb to pull together some kind of Easter feast at 11:45am. (My brain is just now waking up hahahahaha!!)

We light the Pascal Candle at the Easter Vigil Mass and renew our baptismal vows.
I have...rump steak, prawns and twa lamb chops and also some frozen raspberries. If I delay dinner until 2pm...I just might be able to pull off some kind of a cake or pie! I'll have to give hubby a ring and see if he can wait until 2pm.
Update: I did just that AND I baked a chocolate raspberry cake to boot! Erlend had himself a lovely feast when he came in for dinner at 2pm!
And now when I say the office of Night Prayer I shall sing:
Regina c忙li l忙tare, Alleluia:
Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia:
Resurrexit sicut dixit, Allelluia:
Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia
(Queen of Heaven, rejoice! Alleluia!
For the Son thou wast privileged to bear, Alleluia!
Is risen as He said. Alleluia!
Pray for us to God. Alleluia!)
Erlend and I were able to go to Easter Mass because the cows and sheep held off on giving birth. (Thank you! Thank you kind masters!) Erlend looked so fine in his suit. I had chosen a nice skirt to wear but the weather was so coarse that I ended up wearing a pair of jeans under it! Once at Mass I thought I was safe because the skirt was very long. However, the old elastic waistband had given out and I had pinned it - but the pin let loose and all during Mass I had to struggle to keep my skirt on!!!!! I was nearly having a fit of laughter by the end because my skirt was just hanging off of me. I had to clutch at it while going up for Holy Communion and I kept praying that it wouldn't fall off and cause me to trip and fall on my face. I *did* manage to wear my Easter hat though - but I had to carry it (clutched tightly to my chest) into Saint Magnus Cathedral due to the nasty wind.
I keep missing the Easter Vigil on Saturday night because I forget that it is not the same Mass as the one on Easter Sunday morning. Last year I swore I wouldn't forget. But I did. So...maybe next year I'll get it right! (I've been Catholic for 9 years now. You'd think I'd have caught on hahaha!)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 11:51