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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Some of the sheep and lambs ootside on a bonnie spring day

What a warm day it was today! I think our camera is dying on us because it no longer takes clear pictures - the white parts on the sheep glow and all of my close-ups came out so bright you can't see them. But here are some of the best ones from the batch.

We have 7 yows left to lamb and about 17 cows left to calve. We are at that stage of exhaustion where we can't make conversation to save our lives. We met the photographer Rebbecca in toon yesterday - she had come to the farm and taken some photos for her art project - and I felt like such a twit because I could hardly string twa words together!!!!

I can't wait to sleep again. Meanwhile I'll enjoy some of that sunshine!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 20:04


Lovely photos, Moo. Your farm looks gorgeous on such a beautiful day. Is it your camera or is the grass really that green? Hope you manage to get forty winks between lambs/calves.

Jill from EK

Nice weather and green gras. Your sheep and lambs are lucky. Ours are still inside the barn.

Dag from Norway

Another question: how soon do the lambs start to eat grass? Some of the ones you show must be very young.

Jill from EK

Gorgeous skies and wonderful green green grass! I looked at the more colorful photos you mention; they remind me of those old postcards w/ the odd slightly off color. I like them!! Very nice!! Rest up weary traveller!!

Shauna from Tejas

Hi Michelle On my blog, I gave your Walled Garden blog a thinking blogger award. Oh how I wish you still took comments over there! Come on over to collect your award. http://www.kateyz.blogspot.com

Kathleen from Canada

Hmm. I'm trying to rub twa brain cells together...what is a "Thinking Award"?? I did enable comments on my other blog - hopefully The Swarm has left the building and will no longer trash the place. (I keep my strong opinions to my other blog and use this blog for ORKNEY related stuff!)

Michelle Therese from face first in a cup of coffee sleeping

I *think* the lambs start nibbling grass pretty much right away. But I don't know when they acctually start eating the stuff. 6 weeks? 8 weeks? Dag in Norway - do you know?

Michelle Therese from Moooo! and Baaaah!

You are right, Michelle. The lambs learn from their mother and take after her movements. But the stomach is not ready for grass until 6 to 8 weeks.

Dag from Norway

Dag, wharaboots in Norge are you from? Hang on and I'll try that in norsk. Dag, hvor er du fra i norge? Jeg gikk til Aurland i januar, og jeg besoker Eikangervag ofte. (ok, ofte is made up I think.)

Ruthodanort from Unst

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