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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Sunday in the Octave of Easter

I am truly incapable of posting anything intelligent. God bless and may God allow me to sleep tonight!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:06


Course you are dear -you are a woman!

donald from lewis

hear hear

scallowawife from sittin on an agnostic fence


Herman from Somewhaar in da ether

Donald! I am shocked to see such antedeluvian attitudes still alive and kicking Oot West. No wonder you didn't get your oats sewn at the Fank...

Flying Cat from an aetheistic attitude

Donald. Please do not assume 50% of the population are incapable of being intellegent. Just because Moo blogs prolifically, (and all at once, shoving all other blogs off the face of the IB home pages), does NOT mean that those of us females that blog NORMALLY (ie the rest of us) are in the same category.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Ok, maybe that was too overly. Sorry if that is so. (My kids have given me a row.)

Ruthodanort from Unst

Just know this: I am blogging for loads of friends and family back in the States who cannot afford to come visit me and probably won't see me for years on end and we all miss one another more then I ever imagined. I have a vested interest in blogging prolifically in order to bless my friends and family with a good look at my life here - and I also blog for anyone else that wants a peek at life on the farm here in Orkney. With all of my heart I ache to be in the company of my two sisters, my aunts my step-father who are all missing my late mother quite badly and here I am 3,000 miles away. I know my step-mother gets to see this blog at work thanks to the kindess of a co-worker. She then reports to my dad et al about my adventures over here in Scotland. This is about the only way I can really keep in touch as sending letters is expensive and so are phone calls. I was very excited to join the Island Blogging project and never aimed to shove all otehr blogs off the face of the IB home pages. That's not my angle. I just want to contribute to Island Blogging as well as keep in touch with back home. I blog all at once because I'm on a working farm and I don't often have the luxury of posting in a systematic fashion . I beg your pardon if this offends you - I never meant to be a thorn in anyone's side. When I do get time (on the days when my ankle is needing rest usually) I slap everything up that's been added to my list of "stuff to blog about." Stuff that some folks enjoy reading and others pass up - each to his own. When my ankle is feeling good I stay off of the computer and get work done. I appreciate everyone that leaves a comment on my blog and I always read them. I really enjoy sharing my adventures with you and I enjoy reading your blogs as well and hearing about your thoughts and seeing your photos - even if I don't leave a comment every time. I only contribute a comment if I have something worth contributing. I hope whoever is reading this has a blessed and joy-filled day. Cheerio for now - I'm off to blog some more.

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney oan the fairm


Ruthodanort from in the dog hoose wi mac

Ruth's contributions are always worthwhile....and she's a beach babe in her spare time....and she has children who tell her off...and a gorgeous Norwegian boyfriend....that's what I call ahving it all.

Flying Cat from an admiring glance

Moo, no offence intended, but I had noticed that you are blogging on a very personal level. I do enjoy your (prolific ) blogs and I can see that others do too. This is partly what blogging is all about - sharing our lives with people we wid never meet, places we may never visit. its also a great way to keep in touch, as you obviously have discovered. But - and I say this with reservation as I do not wish to offend - perhaps the keep in touch bit with your friends should be kept to your own e-mail or web site. the whole world can read these blogs and the blogs need to be of interest to such an audience. (says she who had fingers smacked for smutty comments) I personally feel it isn't fair to hog the blogs - but then thats up to Our Moderator isn't it? and the strong religious content - does that represent what blogging is all about? again - thats up to OM.

scallowawife from in front of the computer, ought to be working,

if Ruthodanort criticised a woman of grace, does that make her disgraced?

scallowawife from in the book of etiquette

There seems to be some kind of contest for this Island Blogging main page...I think it would be so much better if folk were just directed to that master list of most recent blogs to post. Could the "Featured Blog" be put there above the master list? It's kept in order by date etc and exposes ALL blogs each day that they post. The three little slots are a bit limited. The religious stuff...that's me. It is interwoven with all parts of my daily life. The "religious" stuff in my blogs simply give a glance of another culture. Everyone is multi-faceted and we should not have to sterilize ourselves in order to be acceptable. One thing I enjoy here at "Island Blogging" is the many differences we all have. I would be bored if everyone carefully posted so as not to ever show their beliefs or opinions. I'm an American Catholic living on an Orcadian farm and I thought that "Island Blogging" would be the perfect type of blog for me to participate in. I can't always be interesting to the whole world. That's far too big of a task for any of us! If I bore some people with some posts there's not much I can do. "Island Blogging" is also a wonderful way to tie-in keeping in touch with friends and family because not only can they see my blog - but they can see all of the other Island Blogs as well! It's perfect in my mind. Yeah, I've been a bit personal a few times but then I removed those posts. I'm still learning this blogging stuff after all!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Do it your own way Moo for goodness sake. But don't mind if some bloggers take the michael sometimes.....it happens to us all. I think it's a sign of affection.....

Flying Cat from the horns of a delusion

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