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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Dag's (From Norway) sheep

Here are some photos from a Shepherd in Norway named Dag. It's really cool seeing things from Dag's neck of the woods!! (Dag gave his permission to put these photos up on the blog!)

Here is a picture of Dag and his Norwegian sheep called "Rygjasau" from the County Ryfylke. (I totally had to cut-and-paste those words!!)

Look - they have bells!!

Dag and Svartfjes "Black Face" (In my Crow way I would say, "Half Face Sheep" We have a Half Face Coo! She's evil though...)

Dirdal and Hogsfjord (Um...but the "o" in Hogsfjord is that O with a slash thingy in it...like Theta, ya ken?)

FOUR lambs! Can you believe it?? How did the yow manage to walk??

"July with her lamb" (This has to be one of my favorite pictures ever!!)

Hey Dag - here's a picture of me with my two pet lambs "Sigurd" and "Swain" (Erlend gave them to me as a wedding gift!) in August. I started off with only two sheep and now we have 25!!:

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 22:47


Is it just me, or do the eyes of the cows behind TGMITN, in last pic, look a bit scary?

Tws from A Secret Location

I want to move to Norway! I love the sheep....*thinking of rugs, slippers, bags, spinning and knitting....* those coos DO look kinda scary though TGMIN.....

Hermit from Sanday

I agree, Tws, they do look a bit spooky. Maybe they are Cows of Evil. Otherwise, great pics from Dag! Fancy the sheep having bells on. The fjord view is spectacular, and with the background noise from the sheep bells... mmm. That half-face sheep should be called Patch! Thanks again Michelle.

Jill from EK

P.S I also like the bells on the sheep...not the same thing, but I have fishing floats aroond the necks o` me goats when they are first turned oot in summer...tae stop them jumping ower the walls...:-D

Hermit from Loving the mountains and trees

Very nice pictures. Dag's neck of the woods looks very beautiful.

mjc from NM,USA

Great to see you Dag! I have a few shots o norski sheep that I saw in Aurland in February, I'll blog them when I get home, maybe you can remind me what they were called. Moo, your shepherds crook looks a little on the blue side. And what did you do with the hooky bit?

Ruthodanort from Unst

I thought that, they look like they're about to do something horrible to her! obviously they didn't or she wouldn't have been able to post the blog!

alix from here and there

That blue pvc stick is part of the fencing, methinks. I must say that the black face sheep looks very appealing: it would be hard to send that animal to the knacker.

mjc from NM,USA

Those cows: 'tis the eyes, Hermit. Moo did not use Photoshop or Adobe or whatever to doctor them.

mjc from NM,USA

so that's why you were so quiet!

carol from on the mend

That blue stick is in my hand to help persuade the glowing-eyed heefers to keep a safe distance! It's ultra creepy when you come up the drive on a dark night and the headlights beam down the byre...

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Ah that is the traditional Orkney alkathene pipe withoot which nary a farmer goes intae a field o` wild marauding coos withoot....they come in varying colours as well....

Hermit from next tae the coos fields

Fpu says she'd like to go back to Norway too....but I have a feeling it's not for sheeps, slippers or rugs!

Flying Cat from lost in admiration

It is a little bit funny( as Elton John sings) to see my pictures beeing broadcasted from the Orkney. Thank you, Michelle.

Dag from Norway

Quite colorful whipping poly sticks. Thanks for educating us, Hermit. Do they come in phosporescent/glow in the dark versions? Green? I could use one here to keep the coyotes at bay ...

mjc from NM,USA

These are beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us, Michelle.

LaRae from CA

I just recently found your blog and I just love your photos! I have wanted to raise sheep but haven't had the chance yet. We raise cows each year and we always hang bells around their necks like that. I love to hear them jingling in the morning while I lay in bed : ) Blessings, BChsMamaof3 www.homeschoolblogger.com/BChsMamaof3

BChsMamaof3 from BC, Canada

The person from BC, Canada, what, how, your handle/name what's that all about? Just curious, well since AC has decided to do other things, someone has to be curious, although not acutely..

Thewhitesettler from Somewhere On An Island

over here in france,farmes hang bells round cows,goats,sheep's knecks all the time and when your up hillwalking its really nice to hear the sound of different bells

carol from the usual place

Some of you have made a comment about the blue colour on some of the pictures. It's the cold mountain air we have in Norway. Sometimes the nature is in a blue mood, but don't worry I'm in a good mood since I've met so many friendly islanders( just kidding, probately my camera). Well it's true that most sheep in Norway have bells. There are hills, mountains and deep glens with forest so we can't always see them, but we can hear them ( some even use GPS)

Dag from Norway

Dag - you're a star!! You're on the main Island Blogging page!!!!!!! WooHOO!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

P.S. I'm still trying to picture Hermit's goats with fishing floats around their necks. PLEASE tell me you'll post some photos of that, Hermit??

Michelle Therese from Moooo!

So, Dag, am I getting it right: your sheep have GPS emitters. Have the local dogs learnt how to use GPS to locate and herd the dogs back home? Guess Spot and Meg will have to learn new tricks. Perhaps something got lost in the communication, and Dag means the shepherd uses GPS when he gets lost in the dark forest rather than rely on the midnight sun. # Seriously Dag, quadruplets are not that common among Norwegian sheep/stock, is it? Do the quadruplets do as well in terms of weight gain/rapidity as, say, twins? Any problem with delivery?

mjc from NM,USA

MT, I see you are wearing the spring collection there. An interesting take on last year's boilersuit and flat cap.

Ruthodanort from Unst

"...use the GPS to locate and herd the SHEEP [not the dogs: sorry for the typo] ... back home?"

mjc from NM,USA

Ah yes, the spring collection. I'm wearing the classic "Kitchen Apron and Headsquare Chic." I try my best to be a trend-setter but so far only the kye seem to appreciate my eh...unique fashion sense. Thank goodness I'm already married or I might scare Erlend off... Has anyone seen my "Wild Palmtree In A Hurricane" hairdo?? (Hence the head squares and bonnets...)

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

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