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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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A bonnie haar the night

Erlend called all this grey stuff a "haar." Only he said it with about seven extra r's at the end: haarrrrrrr. I'll never undersand this Orcadian accent...ScottishBrogueMixedWithNorwegianVowelsThatAmericansCan'tPronounce...(Unless they are from Minnesota...)

In America we call this stuff, "Thick as Pea Soup"

I love rain! I love the haar! And I love the color grey! You can imagine my delight as I ran round this evening enjoying the haar that rolled in:

Look at that bonnie haar!

So lovely and grey!

Oh bonnie haar, oh bonnie haar, how lovely you are rolling in...
It's nice of you to come out this way!
I wish you visited every day!
Oh bonnie haar, oh bonnie haar,
Don't be a stranger!

Ok, this isn't a haar but I couldn't resist sharing: the pink flooers are oot! (note the mini sheep family...they were on our wedding cake!) Wow I never realised I had such an interesting collection on our windowsill. Let's see...a dying tomato plant, sheep family, a brass camel from Saudi Arabia, a buffalo from America, The Virgin Mary and a few spiders...
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:50


Lovely pixs, Michelle. As a Norwegian with hills , mountains and rivers just in my neighborhood, I love the open spaces, endless fields ,the sea and the mighty sky . I ' d say we lucky both, living in such a beautiful nature. We visited Old Meldrun ( close to Aberdeen) and the locals talked about the haarrrr. They pronounced it just like we would have done. In Norway no haar, just sun and clear sky.

Dag from Norway

We had the haar here too Michelle, and by the look oot the window this morning it`s still rolling up the track! I love that you had sheep on your wedding cake by the way! :-D <--big grin

Hermit from Sanday

Haar today and gone tomorrow?

macQ from NMtoo,USA

You still love rain & still love the haar and still love the color grey after a winter in Orkney!! Wow! You must adore that colour. I wonder if you'll still like it when the rest of the UK is getting hot weather and we're stuck with endless days of haar - preventing flights, newspapers and going out and enjoying the fact its not raining. Its claggy!

Muness from Fetlar

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