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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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100 pages! I've hit a landmark and now it's time to celebrate!

Arrrg my camera is still down. Otherwise I'd take a cheesy I-love-Me photo posing with my laptop doing a thumbs up and sipping coffee triumphantly - all at the same time! Because ALAS! I have written the 100th page of my book!! Yes!! Yes!! YES!!! **Happy Dance**

Something about this fresh Orkney air really gets my fingers going...

My backside actually HURTS. It's SORE from being sat upon for hours at a time as the muse perches on my shoulder. I've never written for so long a stretch in my entire life. The story is flooding out of me. If I stop, my brain keeps going of its own accord. I'm beginning to wear out!! But I shall not throw in the towel!!! I'm determined to get this book written by Christmas!!

I broke away from the book long enough to spend an hour at the frantically happy sunshine-filled Dounby Show. I scarfed down two Angus Cheese Burgers and some fries like some kind of starving wolf while Erlend looked on in wonder. (And hogged the catchup!!) We wandered aboot for a while and then I made friends with a bonnie Clydesdale. At first she wanted nothing much to do with me but then I started to scratch her chest. Ahhhh...critters always seem to love that! While I was speaking to Erlend she managed to flip a hunk of hay stright into my open yapping mooth. Now I know first-hand what sputtering and hacking is all about and I can go rewrite that scene...

I was just beginning to enjoy myself when my ankle said GO HOME NOW! And I had to obey. Much to my sore backside's dismay, I returned to the book. Here's a "Coffee Cheer" to all you Island Blogging Folk as I head towards my second landmark: page 200 muwahahahahahahaaaa!

And noo me husband is in (FINALLY) and it's time for dinner CHEERIO!!

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 13:18


Well done michelle. I will raise a coffe cup to you. How many pages are you planning on doing? And can you let me know ( just me nobody else, if it's a secret, I'm good at keeping secrets, that's because I forget things easily, teflon brain, that's me) what you are writing about? Beware the fpu of the FC, could be stalking you, with intent, you have been warned. cheery.........

Thewhiterthanwhitesettler from Afarfarbetterplacethansome

Glad you are feeling better - I haven't read your blog for a while as I've been on hols in the sun, but just to say Hi. Maybe we'll all get round to dropping in one day!

alix from west midlands

Ok TWS if you come real close so no one can hear me...(I'm writing a fantasy science fictiony kind of novel...one I've been dreaming of writing since I was eleven years old. But then a lot of stuff got in the way...military, university, firefighting...ah but thank goodness for that because it's given me EXCELLENT fodder for my book. After observing human interaction in a variety of stressful settings I'm having the time of my life writing this book!!! I'd better stop - I think I can hear someone coming...) Yeah anyway, about the weather...

Michelle Therese from Moooo!

One hundred pages down, and a handful of thousands more to go. The Proust of the Islands. # The red stuff that some folks pour out of a Heinz bottle is "ketchup" - or, rarely, catsup -, not "catchup". I don't use ketchup, though I have been known to use a dictionary. Anyway, pass the marmite (English, not French, thank you).

mjc from NM,USA

Can we all be invited to the book signing. you have more patience than me. I have a job writting a letter .... Well Done

Barebraes from Shapinsay

I just knew Moo, that if anyone were to dare to mention the s word, it would be Tws *sigh* and I'd just like you to know that she isn't stalking you -neither in or out of tent and that man is just a s**t-stirrer. (well I didn't say it first...)

Flying Cat from stalky&co

Congratulations!!! Now I wait [with bated breath ... just imagine if that was baited breath!] for the next announcement ... and eventually the finished article. [smiles]

Plaid from always scribbling stuff

FC I have never stirred any brown stuff, I have landed in it a few times ( a few too many times for my liking) but, I only say what I see before me, and what I read, and passed it on, so there, na, na, na,

Tws from A Faremarehareplace

...hey he-ey hare krishna...na na na na, na na na na...

Flying Cat from HareHare

Hey, Michelle, if (WHEN) your book is published, I am a proofreader and promise to do a thorough job for you... special rates for Island Bloggers of course!

Jill from EK

Ah Jill from EK, do you have proof that you can proofread, and please do remember this is a 麻豆官网首页入口 site. FC Hare Rama, Hare Krisna, Krisna, Krisna, Hare Rama. How did you find out FC?

Tws from The Lounge Of A Bookshelf

Tws in saffron robes with begging bowl...chantin'. Or Tws with chantie, bowling...or...bowled over by enchantin' Tws...

Flying Cat from Old habits

the image of dear tws in saffron robes is rather a nice one--(smirking)

tws's weather girl from reading a lobsang rampa book

saffron robes ... AND shaved head, passing the cup for donations toward his daily haggis.

mjc from NM,USA

I wear my own robes, and Saffron wears her own robes. Hare Krisna to you all, and may your God watch over you at all times, peace be with you all. Hare Krisna...

Tws from Chanting The Mantra

Michelle. Many thanks for your hospitality during my visit to orkney, it was a pleasure to meet you and erland and to share that meal together. Geoff.

geoff. turner from washington tyne& wear

Om mane padme whom?

Flying Cat from Mellow Yellow

geoff.turner could not find Barebraes, and ended up near Dounby (I am sure Moo surpassed herself. No hamburger - not even moose burger - cooked in Crisco in that household, no sirree). Good for you geoff.turner. # I must admit that, were I to land in Shapinsay, I would not have any problem locating the table with the duck a l'orange, roast duck, duck fricasse, duck in vino rosso, etc. Hang in there, Barebraes (no, I did not say "ducky" - I know better): I am on my way (I wish I were). Keep that axe sharp, Hulk: for the duck's neck, not mine (good grief!). Of course, I might swing by Sanday first and grab some of that soup, and bread, and goat curry, and ...# I must note here that I have not yet received any invitation from Stromness Roiling Acres for supper, not even a last one ... I would settle for a hearty breakfast, and perhaps a copious lunch with desert ... something different for each day of the week, methinks.

mjc from NM,USA

Geoff! How are you?? My email has been malfunctioning again so I haven't been able to check and see if you wrote. I'm so glad that you have arrived safe and well! It was great fun visiting with you!

Michelle Therese from Moooo!

I have a feeling the parental units would welcome you with open hospitality were you to land up in Stromness, though fpu thinks your erudition might leave her struggling a bit. But we'd keep her in the kitchen where a woman ought to be...

Flying Cat from under a duvet

FC, your fpu must surely be joking. Her own erudition and sharp wit just leap from the screen. Not that you and Marmers appreciate that kind of thing - being handy with a tin-opener is more important for you, I'm sure!

Jill from EK

If I had to rely on parental units wielding tinopeners Jill, I'd starve to death...WLTM the inventor of the ringpull...I'd give him/her such a furry HUG! It's very kind of you to say so (the first bit) but mjc sounds a bit terrierfyingly brainy and not a little TETCHY with it!

Flying Cat from a delicate shade of pink

Tetchy, very, is probably on the mark. Not brainy but horrifyingly lower middle class studious (the "scholarship" boy) without the "earnestness" (and a very marked sense of essential insignificance)thank heavens). As for you FC, I am surprised you have a duvet: I would have thought your fpu would have given you a torn gunny sack by now for you to hide your ungrateful insolence.

mjc from NM,USA

Forget terrierfying, FC: terroirfying would be closer to my essential-ness (how about that, TWS or Hyper-B., etc.? Meets your approval/standards?).

mjc from NM,USA

...not bad...really quite good...

Flying Cat from a torn bunny sack

You always meet my approval mjc, and my standards are lower than a h**kers Kn*ckers.

Tws from A dazed and confused state ( the usual)

...a howker's knockers?

Flying Cat from Tattiehowking

and that is why, dear TWS, I chose you to be both judge and jury.

mjc from NM,USA


Donna from Shetland

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