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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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I've finished my book!

Time for a break...but only a short one.

Hoo wow! I never thought I'd say THOSE words. But it's true. After typing my head off for how long?? ugh, long enough, my first book is finished. And without further ado, I must launch into the sequel while the story is still fresh in my head.

Oh happy day! I'll have to find a way to celebrate...

The scary thing is, here I am birthing a book by blood, sweat and tears - and it may never get published. Oy. The thought is enough to send me into a cold sweat.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:38


when jesus washed--

tws's weather girl from the usual haunt

...the dishes, it truly was a miracle...

Flying Cat from cynicism samba

Golgotha near Dounby. It is too much perhaps. Writing should be a pleasure, not torture. So should reading be. That is why I never even considered being an editor. I can readily understand why editors are often pictured with whisky and glass on their desk.

mjc from NM,USA

.....that was unsurpassed until the July of 2007, when........

Ruthodanort from Unst

I am looking foreward to read your book. I can translate it into Norwegian. You are a very quick writer. Good luck.

Dag from Norway

Dag, you might consider asking Moo to send you an electronic copy. I would not wait for the hard printed copy. Editors can be quite ornery even on their best days. Even Ibsen had problems finding a publisher ...

mjc from NM,USA

...the ecover angel came down from on high and...

Flying Cat from facing the Consequences

... and smote, and smote ... till lunch-time came.

mjc from NM,USA

You dirty rotten mjc you, you have deaded us...oooooooooooo.

Flying Cat from goon but not forgotten

Speaking of writing books...it looks like ya'll are writing one here hahaha!!!

Michelle Therese from Moooo!

I'm intrigued by the verbal game* going on here. Is that something new, or what? It's fun! teach me how to play!! *when jesus washed.....

Shauna from Tejas

I only came across your blogs today, and I have been spent a very enjoyable afternoon reading all about your experiences coming to Orkney to live on a farm. It will be interesting to see if your book gets published. After reading your discriptive writing, I am sure that the book will be very readable - it remains to be seen whether it will be sellable. Good luck anyhow!

Islander from Norway

I suspect you may think this banter on matters that appear religious borders on the downright sacrilegious, Shauna. It's not. Some of the jokes are insiders' perceptions. Take the riffs on the Irish, drinking and confession for example, or jocular remarks about Jesuits and Opus Dei (being Catholic, I claim a special privilege to be specially caustic in this regard). Take the Father Ted series: I would make a big bet that the writers are Catholic. There is no secret to this verbal to and fro-ing: it requires some knowledge (whether it be of the Bible, of Milton, or Ruthodanort's recent escapade), a tad of irreverence, a sliver of wit, and first of all a sense of our own insignificance. If someone were to want a religious or learned (not the same thing) disquisition on the washing of the apostles' feet by Jesus, or the washing of Jesus's feet with perfume and long hair by Mary Magdalene, I expect they can be found, but not quite on ib when some of us are in the quick repartee mood. By the way, Shauna, this game has been played also by many ibloggers using popular song titles, bits and pieces. To play, you need playfulness, an open mind, not seriousness. I do not think that Jesus would be so grumpy as to deny us such pleasures, (as an Indian friend of mine once said) Holy Cow!

mjc from NM,USA

do you know how much it will cost you to get in published moo? i saw someone on 麻豆官网首页入口prime and she said she was needing 700 pounds(sorry don't have pound sign on french keyboards)

carol from in a lousy mood

Well that's knocked that one on the head then... I don't know if any amount of painstaking explaining will get some folks on the ib wavelength, mjc, but nice try!

Flying Cat from 拢拢拢拢!

You left off a zero, Carol.

mjc from NM,USA

Oh, mjc- only in cyberspace would a person in NM explain to a Texan, what is this bantering, on an Orcadian blog commentary!! Actually, i didn't think it was sacrilegeous at all. You can probably guess my origin by my name, Ir. Catholic it is. Most of your references to the other jokes went way over my head. I did not catch them anywhere. I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for this other banter!

Shauna from Tejas

is it a thriller?

scallowawife from in thinking mode

Gosh...there's scallowawife...Tws is looking for you...

Flying Cat from all over the joint

Scallowawife, quick, get blogging. Tws is beside himself, not hearing from you for so long.........

Ruthodanort from Unst

Congratulations! I know what it feels like to dedicate so much time to something without the guarentee of being published. Keep rattling on that keyboard though! Only those that try will win.

Donna from finally home in Shetland

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