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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Smoke pouring from keyboard...

I just happened upon a quote from one of my FAVORITE authors that best sums up the experience when you are writing a novel:

"One day I was speeding along at the typewriter, and my daughter - who was a child at the time - asked me, 'Daddy, why are you writing so fast?' And I replied, "Because I want to see how the story turns out!"
. . . Louis L'Amour

So very true. My novel...it's like writing itself. I can't beleive it. Perhaps this isn't me writing - it's the ghost of Louis L'Amour possessing my body...

I just cannot believe it - the thing is pouring out of my like Niagara Falls. I can't stop it! I told my dear, and very understanding husband, that you only get stuff done in life if you DO IT. I'll never get a book written if I poke away here and there. I have to sit down and pound this puppy out. Even if i try and get it published and they say, "THIS IS RUBBISH!" at least I did it, ya know? That's what it boils down to. If you have a dream don't be afraid of trying it out - I mean, how many times are our failures splashed across the sky for all to see? And when is a failure truly a failure anyway? So, we try to live a dream or do something and it doesn't work out. Why is that failure? I think that it is more along the lines of, "never meant to be and now you know", ya'll ken? I've done so many things that ended up a dead end and getting nowhere. SO WHAT! Do I hang my head all day and play the pity fiddle? Yeah! For about ten minutes, I'll admit. And then - I go after the next dream on the list...

That's what life is all about: living it. When we are old and crotchety in some nursing home gumming luke-warm tapiocca pudding at least we can say: "Listen ya little whipper snapper! When I was your age I wrote a book and danced ballet and raced horses through the Arabian Desert... So stop yer wet-behind-the-ears moaning, get out there and LIVE LIFE! (and take me with you - I think I can fit in your shoulder bag there long enough to get past the guards...)"

I always use that quote from, The Sound of Music: "Whenever God closes a door, He opens a window.." When I basically lost my entire life up in Alaska (and my mother) I was like...oh my GOD what is going to happen to me now? WHO AM I?? I've lost myself! Arrrrg!! (Ya'll got the expanded version not long ago...)

Now I see that in my consternation I walked past the wide-open window. Here I am with a busted ankle "a stranger in a really strange and cool, unique, interesting land..." with the window to my art WIDE OPEN and letting in the wind. I've never been able to focus heavily on art, music or writing because of either my 16-hour-a-day job or my University studies... well, now I'm sitting here living one of my oldest dreams: I'm writing a book!

But eh...God, literally, only knows if this bad boy will get published.

If it does, will ya'll come to the farm for a celebration bar-b-que in the rain?!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 10:25


I'll surely be there, AND I'll eat the potato salad! Keep following that dream, I can't wait to read the final product :)

Bound4Orkney from Washington, DC Soon2BKirkwall!

Your book will get published!!!! "If you have a dream you gotta make a dream come true" [or something similar]. Somewhere I heard that several authors didn't get published first time round, and anyway as long as you keep those fingers moving along the smoking keyboard your creative talents have an outlet! A BBQ? Ohhhh yes please [though the distance may be a problem}

Plaid from Outback

You know I'll be there! I've been looking for an excuse to come back! :D Love you!

Willow from Vegas, Baby!

I'll be there, probably in spirit though! smile

ThrilledForYou from Oakland Ca

Hmmm. Who IS this mystery person from D.C. who knows about the potato salad??

Michelle Therese from Things Go Moo in the Night...

got sausages and lamp chops, might find a steak or two, when can we come?

scallowawife from rummagin in the freezer

I also am a creative writer, working on my second novel. I'll be reading your blog.

Donna Schofield from finally home in Shetland

the Archbishop? Just a wild guess. # What I am dying to know is whether Dig. Sands will be allowed to come if he can't get his hands on the cole-slaw?

mjc from NM,USA

...and is coming soon to Kirkwall...it's a worry, Moo, a real worry...

Flying Cat from lockupyourpotatosalad

You are bound to get along well with Moo, Donna. Provided certain topics are avoided, I expect...

mjc from NM,USA

Naughty mjc...

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

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