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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Good Saint Nicholas and sad puss news...

Note: Saint Nicholas did not kill my cat. I'm sticking both topics together so I only have to make one post...
Saint Nicholas statue and totally FAKE candles...

Seeing as how it's December 6th, the feast of Saint Nick, I've cracked out my Saint Nicholas statue and a pair of fake candles. (No dripping wax!)

Ah! Advent season yet again! I've come full circle with Island Blogging - it has to be at least a full year now. It's been so much fun blogging and reading all of your blogs as well. Happy Advent everyone!

King Tut was very happy to see the new dog arrive on the farm last summer...

Now for the sad news: Our lovely he-cat "King Tut" was struck by a car and killed. We sure will miss the cheerful puss who always materialized out of thin air (with many happy meows!) the moment you set foot outside of the house. I loved having him around while lambing in the creepy darkness of 3am or while going for walks. The farm sure is lonely without our King Tut around!

Brodgar telling me off and King Tut being his usual cheerful self.

Brodgar and King Tut were good buddies and she was all out of sorts after he was hit. I hated watching her walk around the dairy in a big frantic circle as she tried to find him in the hours after he died. She's spent the past couple days in the house being spoiled rotten and as I type she's basking contentedly in front of the heater.

Brodgar on the left, King Tut on the right. Both snuggled inside of a straw pile on a cold winter morning.

Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 16:35


Black cats are not supposed to cross in front of cars. It's bad luck. This time it was the cat's bad luck. A shovel, a few stones, a burial mound. You did not say a prayer over Tut, did you? The one time I buried a dog, I planted daffodils and crocuses on the spot. They grew very well: increased soil fertility, I suspect.

mjc from NM,USA

I'm so, so sorry about your pussy cat. What sad news - t's heart-breaking. Even in the country (especially in the country?) people can drive too fast and without consideration. Brodgar cat may need another friend in a little while though, and there are plenty looking for a good home!

Stromness Dragon from sympathetic place

So sorry to hear about your lovely cat, Moo. Poor King Tut (and poor Brodgar and poor you). And Happy Advent to you too. Do you have an Adventskranz like they do in Germany, with 4 candles?

Jill from EK

Sorry to hear about your cat - he was the double of my black he cat. My friends who live in Sanday have lost 2 cats on the road. I think that the cats must get over complacent when the roads are quiet, my urban city cat knows to keep off the road. Hope your other animals are OK.

alix from west midlands

Such sad news of your kitty. Hopefully Brodgar will recover soon. She's very luck to have you spoiling her through her grief.

Amy from SOA Maryland USA

I love having an Adventskranz! Problem is...this year we have the four candles but not the holder. They are taper candles so I can't stand them up. I've tried duct tape and an egg carton but nothing is working. maybe I'll get a pot of dirt and stick them in that!!!! We haven't buried King Tut yet but he's resting in peace in an empty cattle lick box. Brodgar is doing well - she's been getting lots of heater basking time and tinned food!

Michelle Therese from Trying to work Adventskranz

Sad to loose a pet, but you must remember that you gave the animal a good life, with security, food and plenty of tlc - their life is so short in human time, but its still hard to loose a best pal.

sarah from yorkshire

Happy Advent to you, Michelle! -LaRae

California from Advent

Sorry Moo about the cat ... the death of a pet is always so sad. I love black cats!

Plaid from Outback Aussie

Sorry about your cat. Hope the rest of your Advent goes much better.

gtl from new jersey usa

What's Advent? I've heard of Advent Callendars, but don't know what advent is.

Tws from A far, far, better place.

Sand, Moo. Sand is the answer. You dampen it then put it in a pretty container, and then your candles can be arranged nicely.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Just a cat, for crying out loud, and its name with a heathenish Tut, not even Magnus. Why is the Tut laying in State? Are the barnyard and other farm animals scheduled to come to a viewing? Let's hope the weather is below freezing in that lick box.

mjc from NM,USA

Patron Saint of pawnbrokers, witness the three golden balls. Incidentally the old parish containing the original port area of Liverpool is St. Nicholas, often referred to as Old Nick's, which the sailors irreverently called the Devil's church.

Hyper-Borean from Uncle's

Ruthodanort - yer a genius! Takk!

Michelle Therese from Oggling the sand pile outside the byre...

Yeah, I noticed the three golden orbs ...

mjc from NM,USA

Advent is when you buy a chocolate calendar that lasts 3 weeks - not a month - and you eat a bit of chocolate every day. unless you have brothers and sisters - then you only get a chocolate every 3 or 4 days...sob... this year I invested in a LEGO advent calendar - such is the power of advertising and children's whining - and it has to be the best thing I ever bought (well as far as advent calendars go)

scallowawife from thinkin hard

A little voice told me that Tut was lying in State, not laying in State, in the lick box. So long as he does not get salted ,,,

mjc from NM,USA

If there's a fight over the advent calendar thingy, do they shout " LE'GO IT's MINE"?????

Tws from Adventurous

My neighbors have a black cat like that - his caretakers call him Gato - they're frm El Salvador! He is a great greeter outside! When he's inside all he wants to do, when he's done eating!, is put his head on your shoulder and drool! So sorry to hear Tut is a goner!

jeh from wish I were scratchin' his ears

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