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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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A very odd visitor on the farm...

You smell...like...a...uh...something I

"I beg your pardon madam moo but I requre use of the exit. Have you any idea where I can find it??"

**Ring Ring** "Hello?" (Mooing in background)

"Erlend?" (Mooing in background as well)

"Yeah?" (Moo! Mooooo!)

"Hey uh...we have a peacock strutting around in the byre..." (Moo! MOO!)

Right. So, we've had peacock sightings around our very rural neighborhood for the past week and no one knows where it came from or what it's doing out in these parts. He looks to be a juvinille (sp?) by the lack of long tail feathers and he's downright bonnie. I hope Mr. Peacock sticks around!

My best guess is that Sir Peacock has escaped the circus - I watched him hop up onto one of the long wires in the byre and he proceeded to flip round and round three times! It was an impressive performance indeed. After dismounting his improvised trapeez, said critter landed gracefully on his feet on the slats and sent an entire pen of enormous bovines running for their lives. As he strutted from one end of the pen to the other, all of the bovines (each easily outweighing Sir Peacock by at least 400kilos...) bolted to the opposite side and scrunched into a ball of terror. From this display of immense power I must also surmise that he didn't just come from the circus, he ran the circus...

We rarely suffer a dull moment on the farm.
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 15:38


Hey that's my Christmas dinner. Give it back!!!!

Tws from Axe Farms

Wonderful, Moo. That's just amazing. I'm sure if you give him some food he'll be happy to stick around! He could earn his keep in cattle management: "Do as you're told or I'll send in the peacock." Seriously, someone must have lost him, there can't be too many peacocks in the area! Good luck.

Jill from EK

Are you going to pay FC's fpu a visit at the lovely shop Moo? I think you should, you both have so much in common. Cheery..

Tws from Lewis

TWS, could you ask for the webcam film on the street corner and in the shop to be fed live to ibloggers? Gimme a link, gimme a link!!!

mjc from NM,USA

Eff Cees FPU has a shop?! Where??

Michelle Therese from Chasing peacock

Stromness Moo, it's in Stromness. I'm sure if you look about you'll find it alright. Good luck, and say Hi to FC's fpu from me, when you find her. Do you need a description of her?

Tws from Helping Moo Moo

My spies tell me nothing much happened. The Gaelic Sat.Nav. Moo was using could not be understood by the Migrant, and so she did not make it to Stromness, She did find her way back home in time to stick the Virgin Mary statue instead of a Bethlehem star.on top of the tree. Of course, if the statue were to fall and break, it's going to be awfully bad weather for the next twelve months in Orkney (as Hyper-B. well knows, from his long-ago catechism lessons).

mjc from NM,USA

saw this peacock and an adult one crossing the road at Finstown on Thursday, 10th April. They were heading towards Rendall. Thought I'd gone barmy!

Rdt from West Mainland Orkney

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