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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Trying to stay warm...

This morning we had a starling fly down the lum and straight into the roaring fire. Talk about a nasty wakeup! As the house filled with the wretched stench of burning feathers I lit an incense sick to counter the nastiness. Five minutes later Erlend announced, "What's that disgusting smell??"


So, I'm trying to stay warm without having the heat cranked and using up too much oil and energy. A few months ago I bought a variety of layerable upmarket shirts and pants and long under things so that my clothes would last (I figured they would be of better quality then the last batch of clothes that fell apart in two months flat...) Well, my efforts were in vain because now I look like a Hobo. So: I bought a cloak for warmth and for something to hide under...

Here is my grey winter tent under which I can hide my ratty clothes as well as avoid hypothermia in these stiff Orcadian breezes...

Wanna buy a watch??

I had it lined in velvet so I wouldn't go insane with itchyness.

Zeb loves me!

The arm slits are a must - the last thing I want to do during an Orcadian gale is unbotton the cloak so I can scratch at my nose!!!

The only problem I have encountered with this wind-rain-cold proof garment of wonder...is the fact that I sweep things off of the shelves in the stores!!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 10:57


Hope it isn't too windy, Moo, or you may take flight! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Supermoo... The dog doesn't look too happy about it, does he? I think you should have a caption competition for the first or third photos! (I won't submit one, I'm hopeless at that kind of thing.)

Jill from EK

Is it a bird? No! Is it a plane? No! It's SuperMoo... or maybe BatMoo, da da da da da da da, BatMoo, where's yer Bobbin BatMoo????

Tws from Marvel Comicals

Eighty percent of the heat generated by an open fire goes up the lum, so investing in a wee enclosed multi-fuel stove like the Soaplady on Lewis has done would be a very green investment indeed. They're bl**dy expensive tho' so second hand is a good option...

Flying Cat from I wanted a chimney for Christmas

My Bobbin is a steer calf and he's out in his pen with the other calves because I can't seem to housetrain him...

Michelle Therese from Mooooo!

is it still halloween???

morticia adams from in a crooked house

Lovely cloak - just lovely! Do I spy a hood on it too, or just a wide collar?

Denise from Stormy California

If your Bobbin can steer, can he drive the MooMobile?

Tws from Moooving Bowels

Another comment lost in the iB engine (I think it must belong to a clapped-out Cortina) so I will try again to beat the gremlins. If you can replace the open fire with an enclosed multi-fuel stove, it will be one of the greenest things you can do in the heating department Moo. Something like 80% of the heat from an open fire (lovely though it is) goes up the lum.

Flying Cat from an all-electric chimneyless hoose, unfortunately.

Please FC,don't mention clapped-out Cortinas. Brings back awful memories. Once I bought a brand new one, and three years later I almost paid to be able to give it away (after spending a fortune on useless repairs). If Ford needs help going down the drain, I am willing to give it a flush. Not since then has a Ford disgraced my driveway.

mjc from NM,USA

Oh look, Carol has resurrected all the lost comments! Hooray!

Flying Cat from memories of a Fridayafternoonjob Ford Sierra

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