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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Erlend meets the English Mustard...

I HAVE to share this... it's too funny!!

After I made my potato salad with that firey English Mustard I later attempted to dilute the inferno by dumping the leftover sauce into the container of plain greek yogurt with the intention of using it for my next few batches. I mixed it up, took a taste and belched fire yet again!! (Dilution obviously doesn't tame the mustard produced by the seemingly mellow English...)

Erlend came in for tea and grabbed the greek yogurt container from the fridge ~ something that I did not observe. I was heading off to grab something else when I looked over my shoulder just in time to see my husband blissfully aiming a spoonful of yellow yogurt towards his mouth. "ERLEND NO!!" I howled ~ but too late. The sauce disapeared into my hungry husband's mouth...

The look on his face was priceless!!! First there was stunned surprise, then a look of pain and finally a horrified cry of, "GAAAAHD! What the...?!" Erlend stared at me and then he stared at the container in his hand. "What happened tae the yogurt?!"

"That's the sauce for the tattie salad..." I meekly chirped from the doorway and then I busted up laughing and I couldn't stop for ten minutes straight! I had tears flooding down my cheeks and I even snorted like a pig!! I laughed and I laughed and... well, thankfully Erlend has a wonderful sense of humour and he's holding no bones against me for uh... setting him up for such an interesting English Mustard Moment...

(Oh lordy! I'm laughing again!! Can't...type...**Snort**...)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 21:25


It looks harmless, Moo, but it's hot stuff. You only need a tiny bit. Also, you can use a little of the powder itself as a seasoning in soups etc (only a teaspoonful, mind!) as it gives a nice flavour when cooked.

Jill from EK

You have a very good husband..... He won't be so quick to grab the Yogurt again, I'll bet.

DefineYourTerms from Outside DC, USA

Moderation is definitely key when it comes to mustard. Poor Erland, he'll be more cautious around the yogurt in future.

Carol from IBHQ

to carol from ibhq---moderation is not in "moo's" dictionary

me from not eating mustard

It's not in mine either when it comes to choccy biccies :-)

Carol from IBHQ

its not in mine when i see tomatoes-i don't sugary things -always hated sweets and sweet things but if i can't eat at least five or six tomatoes a day i go into "deep turkey mode" they are the only veg(well fruit really) i've planted this year-the pleasure of walking by a tomato plant and picking one of theband eating it straight away-pure ecstasy(mind you eating so many tomatoes is not doing my rhumatoid athritis any good-they said they are bad for my joints) but still i suppose they are a lot healthier than some chemical drugs the docs used to give me!

carol from over here

I say Carol-from-France, you wouldn't have a spare half acre for all fpu's surplus tomato plants?

Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity Jungle

you bet i have!!send them over!!

carol from drooling over fc's offer

FPU is expecting a late frost. That's why she is putting spare tomato seedlings in the sunroom. If the frost does not materialize, there is always tomato tea (good for hot flashes - eh?! hi! hi!! - so I've heard at AlanEmporioJohn, or maybe it was at the Fank).

mjc from NM,USA

ALL our tomato plants are in the Sunroom of Eternity! And will remain there...someone stupidly tried planting some outside last year...so, no tomatoes!

Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity Jungle

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