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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Goodbye Isadore...

I totally failed in training my Isadore to be an ox. I made too many mistakes! So I've had to release him to the herd where he'll live for another year or so before being sold for beef.

I'm not going to totally give up on oxen yet... but at the moment my pregnancy is very painful so I'm not going to work with any calves for the time being. Personally I'd rather just have a friendly cob horse that'd enjoy being ridden about Orkney.

Poor Isadore. **Sniffle**
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 14:58


sorry that training isidore was a failure-how sad! are you suffering from morning sickness?i was very "lucky"whilst pregnant with m y two -i suffered from hyperemis which meant i was literally sick 9 months out of nine(both times) which meant me being in hospital far from home being drip fed so my babes would profit and not be too underweight-they were in fact round babies of normal weight,so just relax and enjoy it!

carol from over here

so what happens to a half trained ox? does he have a funny walk for example? will he be the odd one out of the herd? we need to know!!! And which bit of your pregnancy is painful? again this is necessary to know - half a story is NO good at all....

scallowawife from in a dark room

Oh, so sad, MT. But why is your pregnancy so painful? It is so alarming to hear this- mustn't you see a dr. soon for this?

S. in Tejas from Dallas

Poor Isadore ...! Can't you give him another chance ...? They always get another chance on The Apprentice ... "I'll give 150%, and I'll hold up my hands to my mistakes, please just give me another chance - I won;t let you down ..."

soaplady from oh dear ...

Isidore is not the right ox for you :) Sending good thoughts during the next several months.

DefineYourTerms from Outside DC, USA

I quite like the idea of Beef Isidore...he could become the newest culinary craze!

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

Alas, poor Isadore, The ox who is no more. Because of Moo's cruel fate No chance to get a mate. SIc gloria mundi. They say everyone has her 15 minutes of glory and that seems to go for Isadore the ox also.

Barney from Swithiod poetic demise

If grass fed, probably will need to be tenderized in pressure cooker, or boiled for hours, and then salted. The method was good for King John (the second), and so should be good enough for Her Majesty's citizens. As a good American, I like my steaks nicely marbled, thank you very much. I shall therefore leave Isadore to the locals, and may you not lose your dentures.

mjc from NM,USA

I tried to comment yesterday but my internet page died. I have been off line for some time and was pleased to read of your pregnancy ... you will be OK ... perhaps it is just your body telling you to take it easy? I had to laugh over your mustard blog. I heard about an American woman here in Australia who hadn't realised that English mustard was much stronger than American mustard. She was in an eating establishment and poured [from one of those squeezy containers] English mustard onto her meal. Her companion watched in amazement, then burst into laughter when she spluttered and choked. You keep well!

Plaid from S/W Western Australia

I imagine poor Isadore the ox had no chance of a mate from quite early on in his existence, otherwise he would have been even more of a handful (Isadore the Bull!!). Stick to training Zeb-the-farm-dog, I'm sure it must be easier!

Flying Cat from avoiding ungulates

'If grass fed, probably will need to be tenderized in pressure cooker, or boiled for hours, and then salted. ' WHAT? mjc what are you talking about? all grass fed animals - which are eaten - are usually tender unless ruined by cooking or too old to eat. and most animals are grass fed anyway - aren't they?

scallowawife from in a fury of indignation

We're spoilt in the Northern Isles...Shetland Lamb, Orkney Beef, happy coos in rolling green fields...who knows what goes on in less fortunate places...where beef gets ground down and burgered into unrecognisability. If your butcher can't give you the provenance of his beasts, don't buy it is our motto...

Flying Cat from idyllic pastures

My hounds are not grass fed (though they do eat some greenery - which they then promptly throw up -when spring madness strikes), I am not grass fed, even though it sounds as if you are (eh? kidding Scallo). Are FC, Marmalade and the other cats that appear on IB grass fed? No wonder YOUR cat jumped off your car in Lerwick a year or so ago, Scallo. [yes, my memory is still rather sharp]: too much alfalfa and not enough friskas, frogs and such. I am going to report you to the SPCA, I sure will, unless you reform your ways, Scallo.

mjc from NM,USA

You forgot the salmon bit, FC, and the ice-cream. # Pity the waiter at the restaurant who has to answer your questions concerning the provenance of the ingredients that may be in the various courses that you might be considering. Ask no question and you'll be told no lies is the refrain of the attendant at alanemporiojohn gourmet deli.

mjc from NM,USA

We like an occasional nibble on the greensward, it does wonders for our furballs!

Flying Cat from heave-ho!

And what about chlorophyll effects on the others?

Barney from Swithiod mischievously mean

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