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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Still no camera!! But maybe we'll find one while doon sooth?

I've sadly had to drop out of the Saint Magnus Festival Chorus because I've become incredibly fainty as of late. I nearly bite the dust every time I'm at practice! I don't know what gives.... I'm the wimpiest pregnant lady in the universe!!! I see the OB tomorrow morning so I'm going to ask him what's UP with all this fainty stuff. At Mass on Sunday we had a herd of Norwegians (and their Priest!) visiting from Oslo. Much to my horror at the end I nearly hit the floor but I managed to lean against Erlend. I folded my hands and adopted a holy look on my face and hissed at my husband, "If I keel over just put my legs up and don't let anyone call an ambulance! I'm fine!!" Hopefully those walking past thought I was praying... It was great to have visitors and I hope they enjoyed themselves while here ogling Orkney.

**Sigh** What do I post about without PHOTOS of life around here??? Well, we are gaan sooth in a week to inspect a new breed of sheep down in Ayreshire ... or is that Ayershire? Oh brother... anyway, I can't spell. SO, while we are doon sooth we'll hunt around for a camera. YAY!!!

Have a lovely day!
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 19:54


A herd of Norwegians? Good grief. I suspect 'tis the first time a group of Norwegians have been called a herd. Were they mooing?! # About the Festival Chorus, I suspect the group will soldier on valiantly without you. You did what you could, heroically. Doubtless the difference will be noticed, but it can't be helped. # About getting faint: keep yourself well hydrated. No, I am not suggesting single malt, but perhaps Manischewitz would do.

mjc from NM,USA

Is it not possible to buy a camera on mainland orkney???

carol from over here

Just so you know Moo, the spelling is Ayrshire. If you'd given it another go I'm sure it would have been third time lucky. Take care with those fainting spells.

Carol from IBHQ

"Holy look"? I would be curious to see it. When you finally acquire a camera (hope you don't have to go all the way to Torquay), strike the pose, and have Erlend take a pic for ibloggers.

mjc from NM,USA

do you have any old pics of life round ur neck of the woods........id like to believe that its more than some remote place with no running water or electricity lol

andrea from midlands

Well that's easy...it isn't.

Flying Cat from Paradise not Potteries

Fainting, has various and sundry causes. I worked in a dishroom (hot, humid) when early pregnant and hit the tiles once too often before finding a more conducive environment. I think the standing and heat can be too much for mommy-to-be. Yoga was an especially useful sort of exercise to tone all muscles. That, and walking. As the other poster notes, hydration is important, especially in summertime.

Cinnamon from USA (mideast but some would call midwest! near Chi

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