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16 October 2014

Things Go Moo in the Night...

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Pregnancy photo...

My cousin snapped a pic of me at the Italian Chapel and I thought I'd sneak it onto IB before serving dinner! (We still lack a camera ourselves.) This is me at nearly 6 months along ~ I'm just beginning to enter the weary stage where I can't bend over without suffocating and I can't find a comfortable sleeping spot hahahaha! I can't wait to meet this little baby in November! CHEERIO I'm off to serve up dinner and hopefully within a few days I'll post some photos of my cousins' visit. (Dag... do you mind if I post photos of your visit here on IB as well, when Marianne sends them along??)
Posted on Things Go Moo in the Night... at 12:57


if I recall correctly - about 6 months you can't breathe cos the head is up under your ribs. when it turns you'll be a whole lot more comfy. I remember being so afraid 3rd time round cos I couldn't breathe but it got better. if it doesn't turn on its own you have to scrub floors on all fours - now I did NOT have to do this - but it helps to make it turn - apparently!!!

scallowawife from down memory lane...

Glad to see you're keeping well Moo.

Carol from IBHQ

You are a charming pregnant lady. Hope things get easier.

DefineYourTerms from Outside DC, USA

You're positively blooming! I remember pregnancy as positive [tried it five times], and never felt better. Its in the following years when the little bundles in home knitted bonnets, or helmets, as the case may be, enter teenage years ... deep breathing is then essential to help keep one's cool! You are doing fine [and I love the velvet dress!]

Plaid from I remember when

You look beautiful. What is your email adress. My comments are too long to post here. It's about your site Noble Womanhood.

Brittany Shelley from United States.

I read a post of your on Dawn's blog, where you were talking about converting plastic barrels etc for the baby. As an experienced mom, I would like to encourage you to make certain that this is safe to do. Plastics can leach their own chemicals, and magnesium contact might cause blood/brain difficulties. Please, for you sweet baby's sake, verify this. All Good Wishes, Kate.

Kate from Great Plains, USA

I tried, oh how I tried, to contribute a teenie comment, but the offering must have been turned down.

mjc from IN, USA


Flying Cat from in sympathy

Read your other blog. You're a tough, brave young woman. You and your baby are in my prayers. Blessings and God's peace...Deacon Dana (retired Naval aviator)

Deacon Dana from Florida, USA

Haven't read the other Moo blog(s). I am afraid it could be too much of a good thing. Abstinence, self abnegation are never de trop, particularly for a Catholic (aye, yours truly).

mjc from IN, USA

try the coffeecatholic one,mjc,hysterics garanteed!!

carol from over here

I beg your indulgence, Carol (good to hear from you again, by the way), but I have been trained to believe (by Jesuits and Irish Christian Brothers, and a handful of Loreto nuns, no less) that a little goes a long way.

mjc from IN, USA

I've been reading your other blog - CoffeeCatholic and wanted to comment - but the comments seem to be turned off? Keep strong in your faith in natural childbirth ... I pushed my son out, two weeks 'over due' in my lounge room, by candlelight with my partner, our midwife and doula .. and a photographer. The moment the medical profession gets involved it all goes pear shaped.

Jodi Cleghorn from Brisbane, Aust

I really like the episode of Frasier where Daphne and Niles have their baby - she starts of wanting a Doula, and a natural birth, under water and so on, then Ros hauls a hair out of Daphne's head, Daphne yells in pain, and Ros shouts 'times a million'. And she is right. it hurts like hell, and I'm not the only woman who probably wouldn't be here if I'd been stupid and selfish enough to try a home delivery. two out of my three times were pretty disasterous. some of us just aren't made for easy births.

scallowawife from in front of the telly

An intrepid underwater photographer on those occastions would never be de trop. # Jodi, your vote of confidence in the Australian medical profession is noted: I wonder whether your opinions on the medical profession generally (and the NHS in her case) is shared by our intrepid export from Alaska. As some Orcadians have already noted, Alaska only sends its best to the wild shores of Orkney. No, no thanks needed.

mjc from IN, USA

Moo, I don't want to pour cold water on your nice plans, but I would like to tell you of my experiences. When I was pregnant the first time, I lived in Edinburgh, and considered a home birth. At the time the midwives recommended a hospital birth, as a first pregnancy had so many 'unknowns'. So I had Bethany at the Eastern General in Edinburgh. After an extremely long and excruciating labour (she was lying 'back to back' or 'OP'), where I was pushing and pushing in vain as she had become stuck, they could tell she was in distress. Her heart rate was dropping dramatically, so they did an emergency section. The fact that the operating theatre was just down the hall made a huge difference to her health and mine. One or both of us could quite possibly not have survived had we been further from medical assistance. In retrospect, which of course is a luxury we do not have when making plans, I am so incredibly relieved I made the decision I did, to have her in hospital. And, I should add, the Balfour has SUCH a great Matty Unit, with great staff. I had children 3 and 4 there. Really, I hope you weigh up and balance this decision very carefully - your Perfect Birth v your Child's Health. It could well be the most important decision of your or your childs life. Don't be swayed by romantic ideas of candles and privacy. In the overall picture, they just DON'T MATTER. Only Life and Health do.

Ruthodanort from Unst, and mum o four

Delivery/deliverance in the hospital is the way to go. But, eh, what do I know? I am just a dumb guy (and yet I was not in the womb one minute longer than absolutely necessary, for which my mother doubtless gives thanks still).

mjc from IN, USA

you really are going ott,at the moment,michelle,maybe you need help

lisa from close by

If we didn't care about you Michelle we wouldn't bother commenting. We're wanting the best for you and your family. Please take these comments as they are intended - from concerned friends, albeit 'virtual' ones.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Comedy, intended or not, is fine with me. However, when I read about a projected course of action which has the potential for unnecessary / avoidable harmful consequences, I must admit to feeling somewhat queasy. It is not a question of friendship: I would automatically offer a hand to an imperfect stranger, holding a child, getting ready to jump off a bridge. One does not need a doctorate to know that, even for those in tip-top shape (e.g., certainly not grossly overweight - perhaps with associated medical problems etc), there are more unknowns/risks associated with the delivery of the first child. Rutho and Scallo have given wise advice. Oh well, I have said my tuppence ...

mjc from IN, USA

I don't want to be nasty michelle but on your latest coffee blog you praise the health care you are being given and i agree with you--but how will you feel if something sadly goes wrong at the birth and you need to be airlifted to aberdeen--the time the helico gets to you--if weather conditions are good,of course or are you planning to have a helico(paid by the nhs of course)standing by in a field next to your house? I had a great pregnancy with my first child--a straithrough birth they said--it was till the last five minutes--result baby lived not even five minutes! some things you cannot predict even with the best medical care that exists: Of course women before us gave birth at home,but have you took time to find out the mortality rate--of both mothers and children---when second son was born he had a complete change of blood--then i had an internal heamorage,think carefully michelle,think very carefully!

carol from over here

reading your other blog ... *Free* health care? What do you think my - and I assume your - taxes go on, other than paying MPs' second London mortgages?

berenike from embra

i agree berenike,michelle complained about working women being "helped"because they wanted care for their children but of course we all know by now michelle does not practise what she preaches!

lisa from nearby

Lisa, I'm not sure I like the tone you write in. Or hs something been lost in the space between your keyboard and my eyes? This should not be a forum for making negative personal comments.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Indeed. If you live 'nearby' Lisa, perhaps you could pop round and make friends with Moo, instead of stalking her.

Flying Cat from clawsoot fangsbared

just a short note to say congrats on the approaching arrival of the little one..stay safe and get plenty of rest. I really enjoy your blog and admire you greatly.

Sharon from usa

I've read your blog for awhile and enjoy it very much. Congratulations on the baby! You look absolutely radiant, happy, and healthy in your picture. Listen closely to your inner knowledge and follow your heart and instincts...be well, Moo

Muse from Hawaii

Wow, some of you really are ridiculous! She turns the comments off on her Coffee blog, so you stalk her over to this one to comment on the other, totally unrelated blog. You're either desperate for attention or desperate for conflict. Have you noticed she hasn't posted anything since July? Think maybe there's a reason for that? I read all 3 of Michelle's blogs. We do not agree on everything. Of course we don't, I'm a bisexual, polyamorous, urban primitive living in Sin City! I do, however, have enough respect for her to support her decision and not carry my thoughts about her other blogs to this one. Those who have also respected her wishes and kept their comments related to THIS blog, I salute you and thank you...not for Michelle, but for me. This was one of the ways I could catch a daily/weekly glimpse into my cousin's life across the globe. It will be a sad loss if she stops posting due to inconsiderate peoples' lack of restraint.

Willow from Vegas, Baby!!!

what is the latest news abouth the baby moo? is it a boy or a girl? glad to read that you are eating healthily. hope you are not too tired,running around doing all the housework etc is tiring in the last couple of months:

carol from over here

Oh help, I forgot the smiley - it was supposed to be a friendly observational comedy comment, and not a bitchy one -sorry! Many sorries. I read your other blog often and you seem very nice. Lisa, whatever it is you thought I was saying, I don't think I was. (I was only pointing out that Michelle and her husband do pay for their health care, just through their taxes)

berenike from wordpress

I think we have to remember that most of us don't read the other blogs - and have no idea how to find them, unless we are told - its very difficult. its unfair to refer to them. Moo - we are all desperate for news - contraversial or otherwise.PS what is polyamorous? how different from bisexual?

scallowawife from shetland

If polyandrous means having more than one husband and polygamous means having more than one wife, then wouldn't polyamourous mean having more than one lover?

Flying Cat from just trying to be helpful

now that is a good question FC!! a real good one!

carol from over here-

FC, Las Vegas has it all, and some. Six Elvises, the Eiffel Tower, and a poker table here and there ... # I agree some folks should be restrained. No, I don't have a list, at least not since I gave up the job of Lord High Executioner.

mjc from IN, USA

Ok, that's interesting. Or is it just a posh way o sayin that you're allowed to cheat on your bloke? (oops bloke/woman?)

Ruthodanort from Unst

Hi, Michelle, I've been reading your 'moo' blog for a while (I found it a while back while searching for something farm-related) and just wanted to let you know I really enjoy and miss your farm stories. I like them because they are real and gentle and amusing, just like the James Herriot stories. Come back and post soon if you can; I know you're consumed with 'coming baby' things right now. I have seen one of you other blogs, too, where you write about learning to enjoy real foods; that's an interest of mine, too. God bless your family! Jen S.

Jen S. from GA, USA

I think I hear the sound of Ruth's hammer hitting the nail right on the head...always open to correction (no not THAT sort of correction!) Willow.

Flying Cat from the sound of willow on leather

My last post apparently did not come through. I will not answer questions on Michelle's blog. If you have questions about me or my lifestyle, I'll be happy to read and respond to them as time allows. You can e-mail me at vegaswillow@gmail.com.

Willow from Vegas, Baby!!!

Thanks but no thanks. I'm just no that interested.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Would be too much of a good thing, eh Ruthodanort?

mjc from IN, USA

That's one way of putting it...

Flying Cat from polymorphously yours

Jen S: James Herriot, eh? Had not crossed my mind before. From Georgia, Jen? The big metropolis of Atlanta perhaps?

mjc from IN, USA

Mjc, I live in a small town west of Atlanta, near Alabama. Yes, Michelle's stories remind me of J. Herriot because they're real life stories that are often funny and 'human' by which I mean Michelle is not afraid to laugh at her own mishaps and faults as she learned about her new surroundings on the farm.

Jen S. from GA, USA

I shall write (maybe I'll write) to Jim Herriot, tell him of the competition from Dounby, and attach a link to Moo's blog. Doubtless he'll be able to appreciate the comparison better than I do.

mjc from IN, USA

mjc, JH is dead, unfortunately, but I'm not saying I'm a judge of great literature, I just like Michelle's stories.

Jen S. from GA, USA

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