I'm so tired...
Posted: Thursday, 18 September 2008 |
Maybe you should prepare for the birth by, only sleeping a few hours at night, and pacing up and down the floor, maybe singing a lullaby, then go back to bed, for a couple more hours then repeat the process over, and over again, every night until the baby is born, then you will be used to grabbing a few hours of sleep, here and there, when ever the baby sleeps you sleep, although not every time. As ever, just trying to be helpful.
Tws from The Maternity Croft
can someone help me out??? my english must be very bad as i am getting rather confused over moo's blogs--one minute she's in perfect health,enjoying her pregnancy the next the opposite or maybe pre-birth babyblues syndrome??
carol from over here
well said tws: ah memories!(mail me i've lost my book of e-mail adresses)
carol from over here
Hey Moo, was so nice to meet you in the flesh at last, Reading your blogs I almost felt like I knew you already !! You hang on in there girl, youre doing great with that wee babe. Next time erlend needs some new wellies, get him to bring you to town too, and you must come in and have a natter with us girlies in the office at you -know-where !!
Mara from BF Kirkwall
I suppose its hard to look forward to a baby with excitement yet dislike the pregnancy...I hated being pregnant with a vengeance. and so many health problems! I remember speaking to other women who said things like they felt so attractive, so sexy, so full of life, they could go to the moon and back. their skin and hair was the best it had ever been. I on the other hand felt horrid, had prescription after prescription, could hardly walk, felt as if I'd emerged from a dustbin overnight, and as for sexy - forget it! but once the babies came - life started again. I remember every morning was like Christmas morning - a present to open and play with.
scallowawife from on the fence
You make me laugh...Of course you will go through it again. It's like when you swear you will never have sweets again when you have a really bad toothache...As soon as the pain is out of the way you go back to eating sweets, lol Take care
Ines from London
Hi Michelle, Yes, I know I脗麓m rather likely to annoy you by commenting over here. I脗麓m sorry for that. However, it seems to me that any possible relief from your pain would take precedence over your annoyance. Since pregnancy and birth are percieved rather differently in our respective countries, I wonder if you脗麓ve had the (alleged) benefits of Dutch know-it-all midwifery. Yor pubis symphasis thing seems to be related to what I know as 脗麓pelvic instability脗麓. Just to make sure - you脗麓re familiar with non-intrusive relief like a pelvic belt, nursing-pillow, etc, right? If not, please, check it out, it could be so helpful. Please, give this a try. I know you脗麓re not fond of presumptuous commenting, but content weighs more than form, doesn脗麓t it? Good luck, Liedeke
Liedeke from Utrecht
Michelle, I can totally understand your trials through this pregnancy, but for the future be encouraged that even for one woman pregnancies can be very different! You could have easy times with any future children, if God wills. We are still praying for you and looking forward to reading the news of your precious little one!
k from usa
Hi Moo ... it seems to me that you have reached that essential state of being pregnant ... keen to get the whole process over!! I have read your previous blogs [havent been in here for a while but was pleased to see you blogging again], and feel sorry that you have had unwanted comments. Do try to not let them bother you though, pregnancy does make one more sensitive. By the way try for 3rd November ... my birthday!! Not that you will have any say over the date ... my 3rd just missed black Friday by 4 hours, and my 5th missed being an April Fool by 8hours. Best wishes!
Plaid from long past pregnancy
Dearest Michelle, I just wanted to say how happy I am to hear about your pregnancy. I have not been blog visiting much here lately but what a wonderful thing to know. I can't wait to tell Blaine. I will be sure to pass your blog on to him at work. Lots of changes for us here and...for you too! Reading through some of the past posts here, ohh don't you love small town living?! ~giggling~ We are learning so much having moved here - more than I really wanted to know or learn about. Good grief people can get so up in arms about things. Be on the lookout for a small package for your little one. I am going to guess your address is still the same - if that has changed, please message me on my blog. Our email address has changed. The last few weeks of pregnancy are hard ones both physically and emotionally. I do hope you have someone stopping by to help you out or that will help you out when the baby comes. Lots of gentle hugs to you! Love and God's Blessings, Cat (www.xanga.com/MrsCatherine)
Catherine from Kentucky, USA
Hi Michelle, what happened to that indefatigable spirit that turned calamity into hilarity and made so many people laugh on the pages of Making It Home magazine? Surely it's not as bad as you make it out to be. I've had 4 children myself and it really wasn't that big of a deal. Of course, I'm a man, so that may have something to do with it, but still . . . Hang in there; it will be worth it. And one day you'll make everyone laugh when you tell them about it!
Blaine Staat from USA
MOO; i'm sorry i know i should'nt comment on your other blog here but i am so sad:shocked that one can write so much hate etc etc and say "she's a christian" i've just read all of your writings on the other blog and well------
carol from over here
PS please not i don't give links for your other blog
carol,,, from ;;
I think that someone who puts her controversial views into the public domain through blogs - views expressed with so much bombast and self-righteousness - is going to get some negative feedback. If this feedback is so unwanted, perhaps she should consider her delivery. There are less inflamatory ways to express oneself. But by her own admission she doesn't mind ruffling a few feathers. So why all the fuss!
Ann from Down South
tws: Sleep left the building long ago! This "pubis symphasis" thing makes for painful bedtime. So I'm being well trained already!!! Mara ~ Hello!! I'm very good at nattering. I need some wellies for my Aunt Diane who is coming for a baby visit in mid-November (yahooo!!) She wears a size 8 American which I'm trying to translate into British sizes... wish me luck hahaha! Scallowawife: Yeah... I'm rather mystified as to how it is that Erlend finds me so beautiful and sexy??? I feel about as attractive as one of our barns hahaha! Plaid: YES YES I'm ready to burst hahahaha! I feel like I'm hauling a sack of barley around inside of my belly! I'm totally ready to give birth and finally meet this squirmy baby on the outside!! It works out perfectly, doesn't it? There's not much room for being afraid of labor when you're ready to plllllllease just give birth so you can breathe again haha! (and eat only three times a day instead of 257 tiny meals around the clock!) Liedeke: Did you send me an email from Island Blogging? I read it but I haven't been able to sit down much and reply to emails. I have a total backlog!! Oddly enough, the best pain relief that I've found so far is ... walking 3 to 5 miles a day and not sitting down much. Walking, of all things!! MRS Cat: HELLO!!!! So nice to hear from you! My pregnancy is going very well. The pubis symphasis thing... oh well, right?? At least I get a baby out of it and WOW am I getting some killer thigh muscles with all this walking! I'm "tired" because of other, behind-the-scenes things that are getting downright old and I don't want to have it all repeat again with my next pregnancy. Unless I am actually unhealthy, I don't like being treated like I'm unhealthy and in danger. That's not the best thing to fill a pregnant lady's head with!! As for emotions... as long as I'm not being terrorized, I'm as cheerful as ever!! It's amazing how even the UGH parts of pregnancy are so easy to bear when you know you get a baby out of it in the end!! Yes, our addy is the same!! Blaine: the spirit is still here but sadly I'm not able to sit down enough to write much! Except right now for some odd reason. All of a sudden my pelvis said, "Golly... I don't hurt much at the moment..." so I've stolen this chance to comment. Uh... good job on having four kids? I'm incredibly impressed!!! Any pointers for Erlend??? hehehehe! Carol: Just because someone doesn't agree with you, that doesn't mean they are "full of hate." I get sooooo sick and tired of people using the "hate" card to try and manipulate other people into being wishy-washy politically correct wimps. I am a pro-life, conservative Christian that lives in biblical submission to her husband. I disagree with many, many things that our secular society says is "ok" ~ and if anyone does not like the fact that I have enough of a spine to speak my mind about such things without being wimpy and politically correct so as not to "offend" the sensative feelings of those that cannot handle opposing opinions, that's just too bad! Two choices: they can grow up and accept the fact that folk exist that disagree with them or they can quit reading my blogs and spare themselves the agony. Ann: Refer to what I said to Carol. Also, Being a Christian requires having a spine. "Less inflamatory" always equals wimpy and politically correct. Not exactly my cup of tea, thank you kindly. When I believe in something, I stand by my belief without giving one inch of compromise just because folk whine. Why all the fuss? Because so many of those that do not agree with me launch nasty *personal attacks* rather then arguing like mature adults. There's a difference, you know? I'm not afraid of hearing opposing opinions but apparently many blog-haunters just can't handle it. People that don't agree with them?? OH NO!! Not that!! Must bully! Must harass!! Anyhoo, that's their problem, not mine. I disagree with behaviors but I don't hate people. I wish folk would figure out the difference between those two things...
Moo from Hallway with Dog
But...you are not allowed to have your own opinion on things? Don't you know that is not pc? Good Grief! ~winking~ I would take what is said with a grain of salt. It is your blog, your feelings, thoughts and opinion on things. Period! If one does not like it - don't read it. If one disagrees with what is said, then do so with maturity and realize that not everyone is going to think the same way. A disagreeing comment can be placed without harassing or being malicious. To those, I would simply ignore and disregard. There are some, unfortunately, who look to insight others and provoke them to a continual ping-pong like blog-down. Really, they are the best ones to ignore and move on. How's that for an opinionated American?! Michelle? Good for you for standing in what you believe in. You are definitely not wishy washy in any way, shape or form. Girl...you have some backbone and yet a very sweet and tender heart...I love that about you! Lots of gentle hugs to you... xoxoxo Cat
Catherine from Kentucky, USA
another comment bit the dust...
scallowawife from in indignation