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16 October 2014

Island Life

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Aka Island Life

In my haste last night I cancelled my membership with the 麻豆官网首页入口 because of what I can only call an attack from some unnamed regarding a blog that I had written. I now after calming down realise that I should not have let this persons small mindedness get to me so much.

I dared to say that Harris has crimes that go on. The unnamed tried to say this wasn't the case. The scale of crime may not be the same as that of the mainland but it still goes on here. Reently there was a huge drugs bust that was all over the news. Not that long ago a gritter got nicked from the depot. Very recently a factory got broken into and seriously vandalised by some teenagers. One of the local shops has a sign on the window stating that there is no money left on the premises overnight! There is abundant alcohol abuse that just seems to get ignored (although I did notice today something in a shop window about rectifing this). There is domestic violence but it gets hidden behind closed doors. Rape and abuse occur - if it didn't why is there the need for a counselling service?

Recently when I was out walking my dog some young idiots tried to nick my Mp3 off me. They smashed my headphones and I burst my knuckles open. Thankfully my dog was there to protect me. This unnamed however seemed to seriously doubt this because of the low crime rate here. The other side of the argument is there is plenty that goes on that the police don't see because they are up in Stornoway. Sometimes they are needed down here and noone can get hold of them because they are up in town. Another comment left was very hurtful as they were just making a huge joke of the fact that I had been mugged. I can assure you it was not funny but was extremly frightening and left me quite shaken for a while. But go on (you know who you are) have a good laugh at my expense for being mugged. I fail to see the funny side.

I first started doing these blogs because I have suffered from depression since I can remember and this was my way of stopping bottling things up. Just because I have depression doesn't mean that I am a sad twisted individual that things there is no good in the world. I am quite the opposite in fact and noone outside my front door knows what goes on behind these closed doors. I certainly didn't expect to be attacked by some very close minded people for having an opinion that differed fromn theirs. I may have moaned about certain things but I never once attacked any individual the way that I feel I have been attacked.

I see two very different sides to Harris and I'm quite sure that would be the same regardless of where I lived. There is good and bad to everywhere.

I got attacked because of a comment I made regarding foreign workers. I certainly meant no ill feeling toward them. What I was trying to say was all the people that seem to think there are plenty of jobs to go round and that there are no foreign workers here, do they not see all the different nationalities? I have nothing against foreign workers I think many are a great asset and I am lucky enough to know a few and be able to call them friend. The comment I made was completely taken out of the context I meant it in.

I have read things on other blogs that I have disagreed with but have never left an attacking comment like a few that got left on my blog.

I love where I live but at times I could see it far enough. I am proud to call myself an islander but I don't see just the good....
Posted on Island Life at 19:07


Island Life, fellow island bloggers and blog readers. Don't you think this has gone far enough? It is very upsetting. Island Life made a statement, some didn't agree and that is up to them, but let's move on. Island Life is obviously a young woman, a mum and a wife, she enjoys blogging, but as you can see from her own words, She is suffering or was suffering from depression. When someone is depressed it is hard to see anything positive and the world does look bleak. But take any street, any avenue in Britain and there is crime. In rural areas, there are notices pinned to farm doors, YOU ARE BEING WATCHED. Residential homes have CCTV. Not for one moment do I believe that our readers will think that Harris is a place of criminals and miscreants, but Island Life has unfortunately had a very frightening experience which may have prompted the blog. Incidents like this are very far and few between and I always like to think that our young people are indeed ambassadors for our islands. An an incomer, I have always found island children to be extremely pleasant and polite, But obviously you can get a bad apple anywhere. Harris is not alone, there are incidents on other islands, let's be realistic, there has to be for goodness sake. You can't have 100's of people living on an island in complete bliss and harmony. So, please, don't be too harsh on island life, Some support,compasssion and understanding may be just the thing Island Life needs right now.

Squidgy the Otter from This is all very upsetting......

There's a minority of locals who will take aim at anyone who comments, writes or says anything negative about their community. Whether the comment is true or not is totally irrelevant - they take it as an affront that anyone dares says to the outside world that all is not quite rosy. Ignore them. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Also, find like-minded people in your local community. There will be some - even in the smallest community in the Outer Hebrides - though they may take a bit of finding as they are the quieter, less visible/vocal residents.

Incomer and proud of it from The Uists

Dear Island Life, please continue your blogs about Harris. I would love to see some photographs of your island. Unfortunately, Harris is one island I have not visited yet, but I hope to do so this year. I have just received the Visit Hebrides accommodation guide and your island looks really beautiful. If you have a camera, it would be great to see some photos, I am sure others would love to see them too. All the best, Squidgy.xxx

Squidgy the Otter from Coll

I regulary look in on the IB website and find it very interesting, funny and informative. I read your previous blog and I didn't find a single thing wrong with it, as you say it was just a moan and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad you have decided to come back to IB and don't let the views others get you down

Avid Reader from Mainland

Don't take IB too seriously IL. I'm sorry that you were a victim of crime, it happens. Sometimes when I feel blue, I do things that lift my spirits, or try to, I know it's hard to look on the bright side, when all around, you only see darkness. It's the cup half-full, half-empty scenario, where you gotta look at your cup being half-full. Look at the positives in your life. It's not easy, but if you wanna use IB to get your anger/frustration out, then go ahead and do it. Don't take the comments to heart. You gotta keep on going girl, and keep posting, I'd miss you, if you left, and I'm sure there are others that would also miss your weblog posts. Chin up, the grass is never greener on the other side. Please, please keep blogging. Best wishes to you, Tws, Cheery.......

Thewhitesettler from Up The Road in Lewis

Island Life. I, for one, appreciate the time you take to post your thoughts/views/experiences here for us to share. Don't let the negative comments of a few individuals drive you away. Keep on posting to IB. All the best, from Brum

duncanr from from 'keep right on till the end of the road'

Remember we are all taxpayers in a myriad of ways. So you have just as much right as anyone else - incomer or local - to have and express your opinions. No-one is better, or more "worthy" than you. Tell it how it is, sister.

Taxpayer from Outer Hebrides

welcome back Island Life ... words are so much more 'black and white' in the written form ... corresponding a great deal on email has taught me that sometimes words can be misunderstood or misread, or simply mistaken, depending upon the prevailing mood, or circumstances of the reader ... and sometimes the writer may express themselves in an ambiguous way ... This is the chance we take with the written word ... a blog written with an upbeat yet quirky bent may get completely misunderstood if it is rammed into a certain mould by the reader ... this is the trap that I constantly school myself to avoid, in written communications ... We *do* all have different views ...! We would not be human if we didn't ...! There is some measure of crime on the island, that is undeniable ... All communities hear about it ... Luckily I have not yet experienced it in my backyard, but I would never deny that it exists ... I would suspect, however, that it's at least a little less than on the mainland ...

soaplady from choosing words well today ...

I am sorry to hear you have suffered from depression for a long time, IL. Severe, chronic depression has biochemical causes, very hard to deal with - so I understand, and certainly not your fault. I would expect that you already have medical help in this connection: appropriate medication can be very effective. All the best, and, as TWS often says, cheery.

mjc from NM,USA

I went and read all the comments again IL, and I think that people were having a joke WITH YOU, and not AT YOU, although to you, it may not have appeared so, but that is my humble opinion, for what it's worth ( not a lot usually, but hey, as you said, it's a free country) Bloggers never go away, they just log off..............:D ( that's my attempt at a smile :-) oh that's a wee bit better) Cheery :-)

Tws from The Same Place

Welcome back to Island Blogging, Island Life. The range of topics written about and ensuing debate means that all sorts of views and opinions are expressed which is why we have the House Rules in place. I'm glad you are staying with us as it is the richness of the posts which make Island Blogging so interesting. If you would like to discuss this further with me, please do get in touch by email to islandblogging@bbc.co.uk

Carol from IBHQ

Thanks for all ur comments everyone! I can be a bit hot headed at times but hey?! Thanks 4 ur comment Tws I wish I could agree with u about some having a laugh with me but I still seriously doubt it with a few of the coms that were made. I will however try from now on not to take things so much to heart but that really is changing the habit of a lifetime - my dad told me years ago that I was far too sensitive and I guess some things never change...I might be able to laugh about it in a bit about these wee neds but my dog did get a free tea....:)

IL/HB from harris

Och, I can see the good. It`s in folks like yourself. :-)

Hermit from Sanday

Forgot to say in my earlier comment - carry on writing 'as yourself' Don't be tempted into changing how and what you write for fear of upsetting some people and attracting negative comments. Those of us who like to read your blog do so to hear 'your' thoughts, feel 'your' pain, and smile at 'your' joy. We want to know the 'real' you - not the person you think other people would like you to be. All the best from Brum!

Duncanr from and another thing

There is a problem with islands & the odd native/and been there long enough to consider themselves natives islanders on pretty much all of these wee places such as we live in. They are fiercely proud of eachother. If anyone finds a chink & lets that chink be known to the outside world, there will always be one or two or more islands pounced at the ready to go at your throat. But, as someone once said. "turn the other cheek" Freedom of speach is something we all have, continue to use it. People want to know what island life is Really about, they need to know that in reality , on some islands, we arent cosseted away from what happens in the real world, for it happens here too & carry's with it the same shock, shame, fear, hurt, sorrow. Keep telling it as it is. The only way to get an area to pull its socks up is to expose the chinks for all to see.

Me myself & I from Some small windy place

Why do you use the word 'attack'? If you write your opinions in a public blog then you have to expect others to read and then form their own thoughts of the contents. Obviously some will not agree, and discussion ensues. In my time in Island Blogging, I have seen a few bloggers use the 'if you don't like it then you are not forced to read it' reasoning. What nonsense. How can someone know they will not like it until they read it? If you don't like people disagreeing with you,then you should make your blogs bland and neutral. I for one enjoy a good discusssion, which is what your blog generated. I think it's time you realised the difference between debate and attack.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Once again in time of strife and disagreement, Ruth hits the nail right on the head and encapsulates what blogging should be about.

Flying Cat from wanting Ruth's brain

Aaw shucks FC!

Ruthodanort from Unst

:) especially for ruthodanort and fc...

IL from harris

I think you should be really pleased that your blog has generated so much debate. Its very healthy, and encourages us to think. I am very sympathetic towards you about the MP3 incident, it must have been horrible. But if we all lay down an wept for you, and were miserable on your behalf, it wouldn't do much good! People - thankfully - usually try to find a cheery side to everything, and try to make the best of things. Thats what life is about and what keeps us going rather than throwing in the towel. If that means appearing to make light of your predicament, then thats how it is. We all care and are genuinely horrifed - but must move on and try to believe that only one sad soul out of a population of (whatever the population of your area is) say 5,000, is willing to steal from a passerby the other 4999 are are not. I'm really glad you've shared this with us, and I hope you can see it has helped you to open up. Ruthodanort once said to me, when I was in the depths of despair, when events overwhelmed me, that I was a unique and extraordinary individual, with no one else quite like me. I was so pleased until she added 'We all are'

scallowawife from shetland

:) that's not what you want to give to those two retro-bloggers IL.

Tws from A Far Far Better Place

Oy!!!! Tws!!! We're watching you with very hard stares indeed. (You see, words of wisdom from Dr Ruth work every time...and she's just a young thing too...)

Flying Cat from I'll gie ye retro-bloggers ye bam!

Come on then FC, Bring it on. I'm not scared of you or Ruthodanort ( well maybe a wee bit feared of Ruthie, but just a wee bit) I'll put both of yous in yer places. Me and Getoffthe ( who's got the painters in just now, so is in killer-mode, just ask fpu, or maybe mpu will understand better) are ready and waiting...

Tws from The Goves Are Aff

Where are the Goves aff to, Tws? That Getoffthe's a very clever dug to be supervising your interior redecorations...

Flying Cat from Mr and Mrs Michael Gove MP

You wantin to tak us on tws? You really think you're man enough? btw, do goves have a sell by date?

Ruthodanort from corner o the ring waitin for fc to be done...

Goves has a silent L in it FC, it may look like goves, but it sounds like gloves. Getoffthe is very artistic, however she leaves wee drips about the floor, from the painters being in.

Tws from An L of a Place

'Course he's not Ruth. He's all mouth and nae troosers! Wee drips indeed, I'll gie him wee drips! (PS Only at election time)

Flying Cat from living dangerously but not yet done

I'm no' scared ye know. Both o' ye at once, and FC's fpu can come too. It'll be worth it in the end. DD wants to video the fight, is that ok?

Tws from Bitten off more than I can chew

Oh too much info as usual Tws me old mucker! Does DD stand for Durrty Divvil? Poor Island Liff will be starting to feel decidedly schizophrenic what with having the two blogging purrsonalities and all! I thought I left a comment here yesterday saying thank you to Ruth, but I'd rather not be 'done' if you don't mind...*sigh*...must be that spam fritillary again.

Flying Cat from Effcee/FC/fpu

fisrt heard today of your blog when up in tarbert and decided that i must take a look for myself. i must say that it's certainly got a few folks commenting about it on the street, but i'm sure you're already aware of that! i'm not sure about you, but i have a wee "rant"about the way some folk let their animals wander about the street and don't appear to be bothered about excercising them, or at least making sure their animals are tied up securely. i have grown accustomed to seeing a certain canine friend running past AD's on a regular basis and often wonder where on earth the owner is! one of these days the poor thing is gonna cause an accident or even be hurt itself. i have a great fondness of such animals but have never been able to understand how owners can be so "blase" in their approach to caring for their pets. what's your opinion of this IL, or are you too scared to make such comments now because of the way folk have responded to your previous remarks? regards hearach

hearach from na hearadh

I am certainly not scared of voicing my opinions hearach - especially since it was a minority that made such negative comments - everyone is entitled to their opinion! as for animals running amok thats a whole different 'rant'...

IL from harris

What a load of rubbish! Problem is incomers!!!! Start a campaign to rid them.

anti-incomers from western isles

Anti-incomers - you are a case in point - a buffoon with an incredibly narrow mind. Perhaps you should brush up on correct grammar usage if you want people to take you seriously.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Tut, tut, Rutho.: intemperance (by the way, would you like to borrow my cattle prod?)!!

mjc from NM,USA

This blog has only just been brought to my attention. I've been on the Island for a good while now so I feel I can justify the following response to your original post, IL. Should my reply appear as harsh then I apologise in advance. Having lived in a major city all my life and having experienced the very real threat of 'proper' crime on a daily basis I can only say how pleasant it is to have to deal with "Island worries" every day instead. The crime rate on Harris is as good as non-existent compared with almost everywhere else in Scotland. Considering the complete lack of activities for the Island youth I'm very surprised, not to mention impressed, by their self control. A little vandalism (and it is a LITTLE in comparison) and the occasional mugging is a tiny price to pay for the massive amount of other positive benefits the Hebrides has to offer. I realise that in an ideal world no-one would or should have to deal with crime or foul play of any sorts but the reality is that the Hebrides - Harris in particular - is as close to the crime free idealism as 90% of the population will ever get. I presume you knew your mugger(s)? I've not yet been here for a year, yet I know most of the population to talk to and am on nodding terms with the rest. Was the incident resolved? If not why not?

A. N. Incomer from Harris

To say this blog slighty angered me is an understatement. Obviously being brought up here, seeing anything written bad about the place I live and love is upsetting. Not forgetting your "mugging", although I would not wish this upon anyone, you do not say whether you reported this to the police? I'm positive if this ever happened to me, the police would be my first call. Although you mentioned the fact the police are never in Harris, they are only a phone call away. As little a village as Tarbert is, I'm assuming that you knew who carried out this attack on you? The majority of the youths in Tarbert are a good bunch of kids, although if anything goes wrong, the finger of blame is pointed towards them straight away, guilty or not, which is unfair.

-loveharris- from Isle of Harris

i have to agree with the last two comments. and in addition you could summarise no one is perfect. the kids around tarbert are decent kids and they will not do anything bad unless provoked. they have no ill intentions and they do well not to vandalize harris for in harris there is nothing really the kids can do. i find it hard to believe you got mugged and no one heard of this around harris. and i find it even harder to believe the police never got involved. as of the factory getting vandalized that was just one mistake the kids made and it was alcohol led this mistake. these kids are 3-4 years younger than me and they are all stand up kids. when i was there age i did things like that but learned from them and carried on. the thing with harris is they know what happens but they forgive. also animals roaming around AD's i have to admit i have seen that a few times...

Harris-FC-Mad. from Isle of Harris

Harris FC Mad - just because you don't hear of something doesn't mean it doesn't go on. There are many things that get kept from the gossip mongers in Harris! As for saying the kids only do something if they are provoked that is just ridiculous. I take it all the cars that were getting stones thrown at them while passing the road under these young angels were just provoked by people driving???? They weren't so smart when one car did an about turn and went after them but they all scattered like the 'hard nuts' that they really are. But then if you didn't hear about it it couldn't possibly have happened eh?! Not all the kids are liitle edjits but there are a few and unfortunatley they are the ones that tend to stick in the mind. I'm not going to keep going over old ground but comments like this kinda sums up the mentality of quite a few of the locals. Like I said I don't just see the good....

il from harris

IL...Where to begin? I am at a loss as to why nobody takes you seriously!! ;) I mean, your statement "There are many things that get kept from the gossip mongers in Harris", just goes to show your naivety. I can almost hear the laughter resonating around the Beanns from Maaruaig to Ronebhal!! I have neither the time, nor the inclination at the moment to fully address your frankly ridiculous "observations", however, I will address the "Stones getting thrown at cars passing under the road" & the car that did the "about turn & went after them", IL, I fear the stones were not being thrown indiscriminately, nor were they being thrown at "all" the cars. -HarrisFCMad- was clearly justified in saying that people only respond to provocation. I can understand your grievances towards any misadventures you have had on the mean streets of Harris, but I fail to sympathise when, from a realistic viewpoint, you have brought entirely upon your good self. Also, an "about-turn" on the bottom road would be illegal as its One Way System. Oh IL, I am disappointed!!! What with your knowledge of the law & your frequency of attempting to uphold it to the letter, you should be ashamed of yourself!!! ;-p Take care Oichde Math

Breugan-Gu-Dearabh from -Tuigsinn?-

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