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16 October 2014

Island Life

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The countdown begins...

Already the questions have started! But mum why can't we put up our christmas tree the shops have them!! It all looks lovely but do they really have to start so early?! For weeks now there has been christmas stuff flashing past our eyes. The kids are too little to have any concept of time. My wee girl thinks two minutes is a lifetime when she's waiting for something!!
I have to admit though I'm very excited about christmas this year. It will be the first year that both kids are going to realise whats going on. Seeing my wee girls face light up last year when she saw the gifts round the tree in the morning was just brilliant. Then when granny and grampa and her aunties arrived for lunch she was just in her element. The house was just full to bursting point but thats what its all about isn't it.
Its also very handy because we have a wee elf that sits up on our chimney listening to see who's been good and who's been naughty, so he can go tell santa...
Its quite scary to think that thats another year nearly over. Since having the kids time just seems to fly by so quickly. Day by day they are growing that little bit more independant and telling me more often 'no mum I can do it myself'. I used to yearn for that little bit of time by myself through the day. Now they go up to their room and play together and I don't know what to do with myself! Already I'm wishing I could slow down time or even turn back the clock at times just to hold onto these precious moments for just a little bit longer. The kids are sick of us constantly taking photos of them but I want them to be able to share some of the most happy memories that we have thanks to them. Although there are some really hard days when it all just seems too much, and to be honest I can see them far enough, the majority of the time its bliss. Theres no better job in the world than being a mum. Yes at times you feel so unnoticed and taken for granted but then something happens and you realise that you really are just as important to them as they are to you. Or they come and give you a big cuddle 'just because'!
My wee boy has had a horrible bug for the last few days but today seems much better. No one else in the house has it so far but the poor wee thing has just been miserable. He managed to eat a wee bit of breakfast today so hopefully thats the start of him getting over it.
Its a beautiful day here today. The sun is shining and theres lots of wee birdies in the garden waiting to be fed. And lots of washing waiting to be sorted out too!
Posted on Island Life at 10:37


Christmas seems to come earlier each year ... a shame, as I like that rush at the end. By the time you are a grandmother a year seems like a day of childhood ... 'tis only the calendar that tells me different.

Plaid from Down Under

feel like I should append this with 'bah humbug', but those M&S adverts are really starting to grate a little ... Was talking to a friend this morning, and he said that his father believed christmas should just be one special day, so all the work was done on xmas eve (decos and everything), and not before ... A good idea, I think ... :-) All I'm looking forward to is seeing my mum and dad on xmas day, and the xmas eve carol service ...

soaplady from fed up too ...

It's so lovely when they are that young and still believe in santa and don't expect the earth. My youngest is off school with the latest bug going round as well.....i hope your wee one feels better soon. :-)

tanith from point

IR all the best to you/hubby and the kids for the new year and hopefully not to many sniffles.

roy from Sofala.Oz

IL all the best to you/hubby and the kids for the new year and hopefully not to many sniffles.

roy from Sofala.Oz

We had a policy, inherited from my wife's family, of putting up the tree and decorations on Christmas Eve and taking them down on Twelfth Night. Not bad for atheists/agnostics I thought. The creeping early sales pitches don't only apply at this season though. One of our local shops usually starts selling hot cross buns around about advent.

Hyper-Borean from With the humbugs

Thank you Roy and the same to you and yours x Tanith hope your wee one doesn't catch any of these nasty bugs. Thankfully mine are well and truly on the mend now!

IL from harris

To all my friends in Harris. Aunty Mary MacCuish,Roddy Ross,Roddy's Sister, The Cambells Brothers who ran the Post office in Finsbay and their families.Murdo MacLean the councillor who I believe is a cousin of some kind. All the others I may have forgotten.

Ian MacKenzie from Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada

I have an Auntie Mary MacCuish (through marriage) from Harris, wife of the late Neil MacCuish.

Rachel MacCuish from Scotland

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