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16 October 2014

Island Life - January 2008

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Aka Island Life

In my haste last night I cancelled my membership with the 麻豆官网首页入口 because of what I can only call an attack from some unnamed regarding a blog that I had written. I now after calming down realise that I should not have let this persons small mindedness get to me so much.

I dared to say that Harris has crimes that go on. The unnamed tried to say this wasn't the case. The scale of crime may not be the same as that of the mainland but it still goes on here. Reently there was a huge drugs bust that was all over the news. Not that long ago a gritter got nicked from the depot. Very recently a factory got broken into and seriously vandalised by some teenagers. One of the local shops has a sign on the window stating that there is no money left on the premises overnight! There is abundant alcohol abuse that just seems to get ignored (although I did notice today something in a shop window about rectifing this). There is domestic violence but it gets hidden behind closed doors. Rape and abuse occur - if it didn't why is there the need for a counselling service?

Recently when I was out walking my dog some young idiots tried to nick my Mp3 off me. They smashed my headphones and I burst my knuckles open. Thankfully my dog was there to protect me. This unnamed however seemed to seriously doubt this because of the low crime rate here. The other side of the argument is there is plenty that goes on that the police don't see because they are up in Stornoway. Sometimes they are needed down here and noone can get hold of them because they are up in town. Another comment left was very hurtful as they were just making a huge joke of the fact that I had been mugged. I can assure you it was not funny but was extremly frightening and left me quite shaken for a while. But go on (you know who you are) have a good laugh at my expense for being mugged. I fail to see the funny side.

I first started doing these blogs because I have suffered from depression since I can remember and this was my way of stopping bottling things up. Just because I have depression doesn't mean that I am a sad twisted individual that things there is no good in the world. I am quite the opposite in fact and noone outside my front door knows what goes on behind these closed doors. I certainly didn't expect to be attacked by some very close minded people for having an opinion that differed fromn theirs. I may have moaned about certain things but I never once attacked any individual the way that I feel I have been attacked.

I see two very different sides to Harris and I'm quite sure that would be the same regardless of where I lived. There is good and bad to everywhere.

I got attacked because of a comment I made regarding foreign workers. I certainly meant no ill feeling toward them. What I was trying to say was all the people that seem to think there are plenty of jobs to go round and that there are no foreign workers here, do they not see all the different nationalities? I have nothing against foreign workers I think many are a great asset and I am lucky enough to know a few and be able to call them friend. The comment I made was completely taken out of the context I meant it in.

I have read things on other blogs that I have disagreed with but have never left an attacking comment like a few that got left on my blog.

I love where I live but at times I could see it far enough. I am proud to call myself an islander but I don't see just the good....
Posted on Island Life at 19:07

Another day

Good afternoon all! What a crappy day it is out there. Wind and rain. Yuk!!

Had the wee man for his jags today he was such a wee star - he didn't grumble at all. I was expecting the screaming abdabs but not a peep! Hopefully he will be the same when he has to get them done again next month. What is with all these jabs?? My wee girl never got the half of the one's that the wee man has had and the docs say there is no need for her to have them since the new immunisation thingy came into play not that long ago. Does that mean she aint covered for all the things the wee man is? Its awfully confuddling!!!

Apart from that nothing else has being doing at all today. Its far too wet and cold out there to do anything poductive. I'll brave the elements later and take the mutt out while the kiddies and hubby stay nice and warm at home (grrrr) Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get a hot cup of tea when I come home though!

I'd also like to say a big thanks to everyone that welcomed me back. It really means a lot. I know I shouldn't have let things get to me so much but I'm sure everyones felt like that at some time or another eh?! Anyhow don't want to keep going over old ground but a big THANKS everyone!! Toodlepip
Posted on Island Life at 17:32

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