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16 October 2014

Island Life - November 2008

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The countdown begins...

Already the questions have started! But mum why can't we put up our christmas tree the shops have them!! It all looks lovely but do they really have to start so early?! For weeks now there has been christmas stuff flashing past our eyes. The kids are too little to have any concept of time. My wee girl thinks two minutes is a lifetime when she's waiting for something!!
I have to admit though I'm very excited about christmas this year. It will be the first year that both kids are going to realise whats going on. Seeing my wee girls face light up last year when she saw the gifts round the tree in the morning was just brilliant. Then when granny and grampa and her aunties arrived for lunch she was just in her element. The house was just full to bursting point but thats what its all about isn't it.
Its also very handy because we have a wee elf that sits up on our chimney listening to see who's been good and who's been naughty, so he can go tell santa...
Its quite scary to think that thats another year nearly over. Since having the kids time just seems to fly by so quickly. Day by day they are growing that little bit more independant and telling me more often 'no mum I can do it myself'. I used to yearn for that little bit of time by myself through the day. Now they go up to their room and play together and I don't know what to do with myself! Already I'm wishing I could slow down time or even turn back the clock at times just to hold onto these precious moments for just a little bit longer. The kids are sick of us constantly taking photos of them but I want them to be able to share some of the most happy memories that we have thanks to them. Although there are some really hard days when it all just seems too much, and to be honest I can see them far enough, the majority of the time its bliss. Theres no better job in the world than being a mum. Yes at times you feel so unnoticed and taken for granted but then something happens and you realise that you really are just as important to them as they are to you. Or they come and give you a big cuddle 'just because'!
My wee boy has had a horrible bug for the last few days but today seems much better. No one else in the house has it so far but the poor wee thing has just been miserable. He managed to eat a wee bit of breakfast today so hopefully thats the start of him getting over it.
Its a beautiful day here today. The sun is shining and theres lots of wee birdies in the garden waiting to be fed. And lots of washing waiting to be sorted out too!
Posted on Island Life at 10:37


I am sure I am not alone in screaming in absolute dismay and heartfelt agony WHYYYYYYYYY must island blogging come to an end??
I had to go check the calendar to make sure it wasn't April and someones cruel, twisted idea of a joke. But nope its November and the reality is very harsh. Island blogging as we know it is going to be no more as from the end of January 2009, as far as I can make out.
I only stumbled across IB by accident about a year an a half ago - but what a wonderful world I found. A world in which I was accepted no questions asked and was made to feel like part of a big, happy family, where theres always an ear to bend. Always someone there to pass the day with and discuss anything and everything. It is a marvellous place to let of steam, to share our highs and lows, to share the laughter and the tears. Some of the blogs have had me in tears and some have had me raoring with laughter. And what a privelidge to be invited into these peoples lives and share snippets of their lives here and there.
I was in a bad place and IB became my vent. Somewhere I could be completely myself and not just wifey and mum.
I met some amazing people - complete strangers who would spend some of their time reading my blog - some giving some real words of wisdom/support - constructive critisism - and what a difference that wee bit of thought could do. Some of these comments got me through the darkest of days. Lifted me up. Or simpy gave me a different perspective on things. IB in simple terms was my lifeline to the outside world and something that stopped me cracking up (completely!!)
I just don't know what I'll do without it. Its as if I'm losing a much loved friend. Not knowing how I'll be able to keep up with all the fellow bloggers of whom I have really enjoyed reading their blogs. Its a part of my life in all honesty. Reading someones blog and knowing exactly where they are coming from. Finding common ground with people that I would never have encountered had it not been for IB. Where else would you find such genuine people like Squidgy or Tws, to name just a couple?
I really hope that the beeb rethinks this terrible decision that some eedjit has decided to make. We could all live with the dodgy spam filter (we have anyway haven't we?!) I definately would prefer some missing comments opposed to NO comments.
Life without Island Blogging just doesn't bear thinking about...
Me thinks a major protest is in order!! Or we could set FC on them..Or Soaplady..who could say no to either of them?? Some of their comments have made me sit up and listen, on mine and other blogs. No offence is meant there but they both know how to use words, if you know what I mean. It makes sense in my head!!

What do we want?
When do we want it

After all what else would poor Carol do if she was monitioring us lot? There's more arguments FOR IB staying than going. Its certainly not the start of the New Year I was looking forward to.
Posted on Island Life at 12:43

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