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Blasad Beag – Episode 38: Physical Characteristics

Fàilte air ais aon uair eile gu Blasad Beag. Welcome once more to Blasad Beag, the section of the programme which is specifically for recent beginners.

An-diugh, tha sinn a’ dol a thoirt sùil air buadhairean. Buadhairean. Adjectives. Buadhairean. In particular, we’ll look at adjectives which can be used to describe someone’s physical characteristics.

Nach tòisich sinn ma-thà? Let’s begin.

The Gaelic for big or large is mòr. Mòr.
And I’m sure you’ll recognise the next one. The Gaelic for small or little? Beag! Beag air Bheag, which means little by little. Beag.
Reamhar. Fat. Fat. Reamhar.
And the opposite of fat? Caol. Thin or slender. Caol.
The Gaelic for old is sean. Sean.
And òg is the Gaelic for young. Òg.

Math fhèin. Now, if you were describing someone or even trying to describe yourself, ciamar a chanadh tu sin? How would you say that?

Tha mi caol. I am thin. Tha mi caol.
Tha thu òg. You are young. Tha thu òg.
Tha e reamhar. He is fat. Tha e reamhar.
Tha i beag. She is small. Tha i beag.

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh a leanas. Listen to the following conversation:

Eilidh: A bheil thu eòlach air Màiri?
Calum: Tha.
Eilidh: Cò ris a tha i coltach?
Calum: Tha i glè bheag is òg.

Eilidh asked Calum, “A bheil thu eòlach air Màiri?” Do you know Mary? “A bheil thu eòlach air Màiri?”
Calum replied that he did know her by saying, “Tha.” Eilidh then asked, “Cò ris a tha i coltach?” What’s she like? “Cò ris a tha i coltach?”
Calum said, “Tha i glè bheag is òg.” She is very small and young. “Tha i glè bheag is òg.” You may have realised that Calum said “bheag”, and not “beag.” A word that follows “glè” always aspirates. That’s why Calum said, “glè bheag”, and not, “glè beag.”

Glè mhath. Seo còmhradh eile a-nise. Here’s another conversation:

Calum: Am faca tu Alasdair o chionn ghoirid?
Eilidh: Chan fhaca.
Calum: Tha e mòr agus tha fhalt donn!

Calum asked, “Am faca tu Alasdair o chionn ghoirid?” Have you seen Alistair recently? “Am faca tu Alasdair o chionn ghoirid?” Eilidh replied, “Chan fhaca.” I haven’t seen him. “Chan fhaca.”
Calum then said, “Tha e mòr agus tha fhalt donn!” He’s big and he has brown hair. “Tha e mòr agus tha fhalt donn.”

Agus sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta. That’s all from me for this week. Airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, thoiribh sùil air a’ chùrsa airson luchd-tòiseachaidh air làrach-lìn . To learn some more simple Gaelic, have a look at the Beginners’ Course on the website. Mar sin leibh.