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Blasad Beag – Episode 41: Rinn mi...

Halò, agus fàilt’ oirbh gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram dhuibhse a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Hello, and welcome to Blasad Beag, the part of the programme where we like to keep things simple!

Anns an leasan seo, tha sinn a’ dol a thoirt sùil air mar a bhruidhneas sinn mu rudan a rinn sinn. In this lesson, we’re going to look at the past tense. We’ve looked previously at how to say you were doing something, but now we’re going to look at how to discuss something that you did.

To say you did something, you would say, “Rinn mi.” I did, or I made.
Bha mi a’ dèanamh” - I was doing, or I was making, but “Rinn mi” - I did, or I made - “Rinn mi.”

This is a tricky one, as it’s an irregular verb, so here are some slightly easier ones!

To say you ate, you would say, “dh’ith mi.” Dh’ith mi. “Bha mi ag ithe” - I was eating - achdh’ith mi” - I ate.
I drank is, “dh’òl mi. “Dh’òl mi.” “Bha mi ag òl” – I was drinking - but “dh’òl mi” - I drank.
I watched is, “choimhead mi.” “Choimhead mi.” “Bha mi a’ coimhead” - but “choimhead mi”.
I spoke is, “bhruidhinn mi.” “Bhruidhinn mi.” “Bha mi a’ bruidhinn” - but “bhruidhinn mi”.
I walked is, “choisich mi.” “Choisich mi.” “Bha mi a’ coiseachd” - but “choisich mi”.

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo. Listen to this conversation as Calum and Eilidh talk about how they spent their Saturday:

Eilidh: Haidh a Chaluim, dè rinn thu an-diugh?
Calum : Haidh Eilidh! Choisich mi dhan a’ phàirc agus leugh mi leabhar is dh’òl mi cofaidh an sin. Dè bha thu fhèin ris?
Eilidh: O bhruidhinn mi ri mo mhàthair, rinn mi cèic agus an uair sin, choimhead mi fiolm.
Calum: An do dh’ith thu pìos dhan chèic?
Eilidh: Dh’ith, agus ’s e a bha blasta!

Eilidh asked Calum, “Dè rinn thu an-diugh?” What did you do today?
Calum replied, “Choisich mi dhan phàirc agus leugh mi leabhar is dh’òl mi cofaidh an sin.” I walked to the park, and I read my book and drank a coffee there.
Calum then asked Eilidh, “Dè bha thu fhèin ris?” What were you up to?
Bhruidhinn mi ri mo mhàthair, rinn mi cèic agus an uair sin, choimhead mi fiolm.” I spoke to my mother, I made a cake and then I watched a film.
Calum then asked Eilidh, “An do dh’ith thu pìos dhan chèic?” Did you eat a piece of the cake?
And Eilidh replied, “Dh’ith!” I did! “Dh’ith, agus ’s e a bha blasta!” I did, and it was tasty!

Uill sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta. ’S dòcha gun tèid mi fhìn a dhèanamh cèic! That’s it from me just now, but to learn some more simple Gaelic, visit and make sure you download the beginners’ app!