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Blasad Beag – Episode 37: Stiùireadh

Halò, agus fàilte gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram dhuibhse a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Welcome to “Blasad Beag”, the section of the programme especially for beginners.

Anns an leasan seo, tha sinn a’ dol a thoirt sùil air mar a bheir sibh stiùireadh do chuideigin. Directions. Stiùireadh. In this lesson we’re going to learn some useful phrases you can use to give simple directions.

An toiseach, ionnsaichidh sinn cuid de na facail as cumanta a tha air an cleachdadh. First, we’ll take a look at some of the most common words used to give directions.

Suas. Up. Suas.
Sìos. Down. Sìos.
A-mach. Out. A-mach.
A-steach. In. A-steach.
Dhan. To the or in to the. Dhan.
Air ais. Back. Air ais.

To ask where someone went you would say, “Càite an deach...?” “Càite an deach...?” Where did he or she go?, or “An deach...?” Did they go...?
And to respond you would say. “Chaidh...” They went..., or “Cha deach...”. They didn’t go....
Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo eadar Calum agus Eilidh. Listen to this conversation between Calum and Eilidh.

Eilidh: A Chaluim, càit’ an deach an cat? An deach e a-mach?
Calum: Cha deach e a-mach, chaidh e suas an staidhre.

Eilidh asked Calum, “A Chaluim, càite an deach an cat? An deach e a-mach?” Calum, where did the cat go? Did he go outside? To which Calum answered, “Cha deach e a-mach, chaidh e suas an staidhre.” He didn’t go outside, he went up the stairs.

Ach an dùil càite an deach an cù aig Calum? Listen to this conversation, and try and work out where Calum’s dog has gone?

Calum: Eilidh! Càite an deach an cù?
Eilidh: O, chaidh e a-mach.
Calum: Chaidh, ach chunnaic mi e a’ ruith air ais a-steach. An deach e dhan t-seomar-suidhe?
Eilidh: Cha deach e dhan t-seòmar-suidhe, an deach e dhan chidsin?
Calum: Chaidh! Chaidh e sìos dhan chidsin!

Calum asked Eilidh, “Càite an deach an cù?” Where did the dog go? Eilidh responded, “Chaidh e a-mach”, he went out. Calum then replied, “Chaidh, ach chunnaic mi e a’ ruith air ais a-steach.” Yes, he did go out, but I saw him running back in. He then continued, “An deach e dhan t-seomar-suidhe?” Did he go into the sitting room? Eilidh replied, “Cha deach e dhan t-seòmar-suidhe - an deach e dhan chidsin?” He didn’t go into the sitting room - did he go to the kitchen? Calum then said, “Chaidh! Chaidh e sìos dhan chidsin!” Yes, he went down to the kitchen!

Sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta – that’s all from me, for now. For more simple Gaelic, have a look at what’s available on and download the beginners’ app! Tìoraidh an-dràsta!