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Blasad Beag – Episode 18: Months of the Year

Halò agus fàilte oirbh gu Blasad Beag far am bi mi a’ toirt thugaibh beagan Gàidhlig shìmplidh! Welcome to Blasad Beag – our feature for beginners and those who want to learn some useful, everyday Gaelic phrases.

Last week, we looked at the question “Cuin...?” When? Cuin...?, and learned about the days of the week in Gaelic. Anns an leasan seo, tha sinn a’ dol a thoirt sùil air mìosan na bliadhna. In this lesson, we’re going to look at the months of the year.

Mìos – month. Mìos.
Mìosan – months. Mìosan.
Bliadhna – year. Bliadhna.
Bliadhnaichean – years. Bliadhnaichean.
Mìosan na bliadhna – months of the year. Mìosan na bliadhna.

Seo agaibh na mìosan, ma-thà. Here are the months of the year in Gaelic.

January – Am Faoilleach. Am Faoilleach.
February – An Gearran. An Gearran.
March – Am Màrt. Am Màrt.
April – An Giblean. An Giblean.
May – An Cèitean. An Cèitean.
June – An t-Ògmhios. An t-Ògmhios.
July - An t-Iuchar. An t-Iuchar.
August – An Lùnastal. An Lùnastal.
September – An t-Sultain. An t-Sultain.
October – An Dàmhair. An Dàmhair.
November – An t-Samhain. An t-Samhain.
December – An Dùbhlachd. An Dùbhlachd.

Here they are again. And don’t worry if you can’t remember them all – you can listen to this lesson again on our website, where you’ll also find notes and vocabulary. Èistibh a-rithist – listen again:

January – Am Faoilleach.
February – An Gearran.
March – Am Màrt.
April – An Giblean.
May – An Cèitean.
June – An t-Ògmhios.
July - An t-Iuchar.
August – An Lùnastal.
September – An t-Sultain.
October – An Dàmhair.
November – An t-Samhain.
December – An Dùbhlachd.

In the following conversation, two people are discussing their birthdays. Birthday in Gaelic is co-là-breith. Co-là-breith. Èistibh riutha. Listen to them:

Guth 1 (Calum): Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith ann?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Tha mo cho-là-breith san Ògmhios. Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith fhèin ann?
Guth 1 (Calum): Tha mo cho-là-breith anns an Dàmhair.

Did you follow them? Calum asked Eilidh, “Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith ann?” When’s your birthday? Eilidh answered, “Tha mo cho-là-breith san Ògmhios.” My birthday’s in June. An t-Ògmhios – June. An t-Ògmhios. Anns an Ògmhios – in June. Anns an Ògmhios.

Eilidh then went on to ask Calum, “Cuin a tha do cho-là-breith fhèin ann?” When’s your own birthday? And do you remember Calum’s answer? “Tha mo cho-là-breith anns an Dàmhair” – in October. Anns an Dàmhair – in October. Anns an Dàmhair.

Agus tha mo cho-là-breith-sa ann sa Chèitean. My birthday is in May, but I don’t think I’ll tell you how old I am – that’s for another programme maybe!

Seo còmhradh eile a-nis. Listen to two people reminiscing about their summer holidays. Holiday in Gaelic is “saor-làithean” – literally “free days”. Saor-làithean or làithean-saora. Èistibh riutha:

Guth 1 (Calum): An robh thu air saor-làithean am-bliadhna?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Bha – bha sinn ann am Majorca san Iuchar. An robh thu fhèin air saor-làithean?
Guth 1 (Calum): Bha – bha sinn ann an Lanzarote san Lùnastal.

Calum asked Eilidh, “An robh thu air saor-làithean am-bliadhna?” Were you on holiday this year? Am-bliadhna – this year. Am-bliadhna.

Eilidh answered, “Bha – bha sinn ann am Majorca san Iuchar.” Yes – we were in Majorca in July. Bha sinn ann am Majorca san Iuchar.

Eilidh then asked Calum if he was on holiday. “An robh thu fhèin air saor-làithean?”, to which Calum replied, “Yes, we were in Lanzarote in August.” Bha sinn ann an Lanzarote san Lùnastal. Agus nach e bhiodh math a bhith ann an Lanzarote no ann an àiteigin blàth an-dràsta!

Agus sin e bhuamsa. That’s all from me for now. You’ll find notes and vocabulary from this lesson on our website – go to and click on the “Blasad Beag” tab. Agus airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, carson nach toir sibh sùil air an làraich-lìn . To learn some more simple Gaelic phrases, have a look at the website and go to the Beginners section, or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App. Tìoraidh an-dràsta!