Blasad Beag – Episode 34: Tubaistean
Halò, agus fàilte gu “Blasad Beag” – am pàirt den phrògram dhuibhse a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Welcome to “Blasad Beag” – the section of the programme especially for those of you who have recently started learning the language!

Anns gach leasan, bidh mi a’ toirt thugaibh abairtean feumail air cuspairean cumanta. Each week I’ll be here with some useful phrases on everyday subjects you can try at home.
An-diugh, tha sinn a’ dol a thoirt sùil air tubaistean. A bheil sibh eòlach air an fhacal - tubaist? Are you familiar with the word - tubaist? It means accident. Tubaist. Tubaist.
The plural would be - tubaistean – accidents. Tubaistean.
In this lesson we’ll look at how you would ask if someone has had an accident and some of the parts of the body you could hurt as a result.
Let’s start off with a refresher on the Gaelic for some parts of the body.
Knee - Glùin. Knees - Glùinean.
Ankle - Adhbrann. Ankles - Adhbrannan.
Arm - Gàirdean. Arms - Gàirdeanan.
Head - Ceann. Ceann.
Now, how would you ask someone if they’ve had an accident? An robh tubaist agad? And to ask if they were hurt? An deach do ghoirteachadh? Were you hurt? An deach do ghoirteachadh?
You could answer using the following examples.
Cha deach, tha mi ceart gu leòr. I wasn’t, I’m fine. Cha deach, tha mi ceart gu leòr.
Gheàrr mi mo ghlùin. I cut my knee. Gheàrr mi mo ghlùin.
Bhuail mi mo cheann, agus tha e goirt. I hit my head, and it’s sore. Bhuail mi mo cheann agus tha e goirt.
Chuir mi car nam adhbrann! I twisted my ankle! Chuir mi car nam adhbrann!
Tha eagal orm gun do loisg mi mo làmh. I’m afraid I’ve burnt my hand. Tha eagal orm gun do loisg mi mo làmh.
Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo. Listen to this conversation:
Calum: Eilidh, bi faiceallach! Tha an teatha teth.
Eilidh: Aobh!
Calum: An deach do ghoirteachadh?
Eilidh: Tha eagal orm gun do loisg mi mo làmh.
Calum told Eilidh to be careful, that the tea was hot - ‘Bi faiceallach! Tha an teatha teth.’ Eilidh responded with, ’Aobh!’ Ouch! ‘Aobh!’ Calum then asked, ’An deach do ghoirteachadh?’ Were you hurt? To which Eilidh answered, ’Tha eagal orm gun do loisg mi mo làmh.’
Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo; a bheil sibh a’ tuigse dè tha Calum ag ràdh?
Eilidh: Halò a Chalum, bheil thu airson geama ball-coise a chluich?
Calum: Duilich, chan urrainn dhomh, thuit mi an-dè.
Eilidh: An deach do ghoirteachadh?
Calum: Uill, chuir mi car nam adhbrann ‘s tha e gu math goirt.
Eilidh: Chan eil sin cho math!
Eilidh asked Calum, ’Bheil thu airson gèam ball-coise a chluich?’ Would you like to play a game of football? Calum answered, ’Duilich, chan urrainn dhomh, thuit mi an-dè.’ Sorry, I can’t, I fell yesterday. Eilidh then asked, ’An deach do ghoirteachadh?’ Were you hurt? Calum replied, ’Uill, chuir mi car nam adhbrann ‘s tha e gu math goirt.’ Well, I twisted my ankle and it’s quite sore. Eilidh responded, ’Chan eil sin cho math!’ That’s not so good!
Agus sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta – that’s all from me for just now. Ach cuimhnichibh, gheibh sibh notaichean air an làraich-lìn againn. To listen again or practise your pronunciation, visit our website for notes and vocabulary. Agus airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, carson nach toir sibh sùil air làrach-lìn ? To learn some more simple Gaelic phrases, why not have a look at the website and go to the Beginners section or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App! Tìoraidh an-dràsta!