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Blasad Beag – Episode 24: Household vocabulary

Fàilte air ais gu Blasad Beag còmhla riumsa Catrìona Mhoireach. Welcome back to Blasad Beag with me, Catriona Murray. An t-seachdain sa, tha mi a’ dol a thoirt thugaibh briathrachas taighe, agus leanaidh sinn oirnn bho leasan na seachdain sa chaidh. This week, we’re going to look at some household vocabulary, and we’ll follow on from last week’s lesson which focused on the question, “Càite?” Where? “Càite?”.

An toiseach, seo faclan airson diofar sheòmraichean a lorgar ann an taighean. Here are the words for different rooms or areas you’ll find in a house.

Cidsin. Kitchen. Cidsin.

Seòmar-suidhe is a sitting room, or living room. Seòmar-suidhe.

Taigh-beag. Toilet. Taigh-beag.

The Gaelic for bedroom is seòmar-cadail. Seòmar-cadail.

And outside, a garden is gàrradh. Gàrradh.

And you’ll be able to guess what a garaids is! Garaids.

You may also hear the word “rùm” used instead of seòmar. Rùm-suidhe, no seòmar-suidhe, rùm-cadail no seòmar-cadail. Both are correct.

Now, in last week’s lesson, we learnt to ask where someone was, and to be able to say where you are. Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh a leanas. Listen to the following example for a quick reminder.

Guth 1 (Calum): Eilidh, càit’ a bheil thu?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Tha mi aig a’ bhanca.

Here are a few more examples using the vocabulary we learnt earlier in the section.

Tha mi anns a’ chidsin.” I’m in the kitchen. “Tha mi anns a’ chidsin.”
Tha mi anns an t-seòmar-suidhe.” I’m in the living room. “Tha mi anns an t-seòmar-suidhe.”
“Tha mi a-muigh anns a’ ghàrradh.” I’m out in the garden. “Tha mi a-muigh anns a’ ghàrradh.”

Nise, we know how to ask where someone is, but to ask where someone is going, you would say, “Càit’ a bheil thu a’ dol?” Where are you going? “Càit’ a bheil thu a’ dol?”

And how would you answer that question?

“Tha mi a’ dol gu…..” I’m going to, followed by where you’re going, or “Tha mi a’ dol dhan...” I’m going to the, again, followed by where you’re going. “Tha mi a’ dol gu...” or “Tha mi a’ dol dhan...”

“Tha mi a’ dol dhan sgoil.” I’m going to school. “Tha mi a’ dol dhan sgoil.”
“Tha mi a’ dol dhan ospadal.” I’m going to hospital. “Tha mi a’ dol dhan ospadal.”
“Tha mi a’ dol gu partaidh.” I’m going to a party! “Tha mi a’ dol gu partaidh.”

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh a leanas eadar Calum agus Eilidh:

Guth 1 (Calum): Eilidh, càit’ a bheil thu?
Guth 2 (Eilidh): Tha mi sa chidsin, ach tha mi a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag.

An do thuig sibh siud? Thuirt Eilidh gun robh i anns a’ chidsin. When asked where she was, Eilidh said she was in the kitchen. Ach cuideachd, thuirt i gun robh i a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag. But she also said she was going to the toilet.

Agus sin agaibh e airson seachdain eile! I hope you learnt something new this week. If you’d like more learning resources that are suitable for beginners, visit or download the Learn Gaelic Beginners App.

Bidh mi air ais aig an aon àm an ath sheachdain. Tìoraidh an-dràsta.