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Blasad Beag - Episode 7: Likes and Dislikes

Hallò, agus fàilte gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram dhuibhse a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Welcome to Blasad Beag – the section of the programme where we simplify things and bring you Gaelic for beginners! Gach seachdain, bidh mi a’ toirt thugaibh abairtean feumail air cuspairean cumanta is urrainn dhuibh a chleachdadh aig an taigh. Every week I’ll be here to give you some useful phrases on everyday subjects that you can try at home.

Over the past two weeks, we’ve been looking at food and drink – biadh is deoch. We’ve learned how to ask for something and how to ask somebody else what they want, as well as the Gaelic words for some everyday food and drink.

This week we’re staying with food and drink, but we’re going to look at likes and dislikes.

To ask somebody if they like something, you would say An toil leat...? An toil leat...?
An toil leat cofaidh? An toil leat cofaidh? Do you like coffee? An toil leat cofaidh?
An toil leat cèic? Do you like cake? An toil leat cèic?

If somebody asks you if you like something, how would you respond?
To say that you do like something, you would say Is toil – literally, “I like.” Is toil.

In Gaelic we don’t have words for “yes” or “no”, so we always answer a question with a statement.
An toil leat cofaidh? Do you like coffee?
Is toil. Yes I do.
An toil leat cofaidh? Is toil.

But what if you don’t like coffee? Then you would say Cha toil, literally “I don’t like.”
An toil leat cofaidh?
Cha toil. No I don’t.
An toil leat cofaidh? Cha toil.

What if you want to tell somebody what you DO like? Then you would say:
Is toil leam...
Is toil leam tì. I like tea. Is toil leam tì.
Is toil leam cèic. I like cake. Is toil leam cèic.
Is toil leam fìon. I like wine. Is toil leam fìon.

And to say what you don’t like?

Cha toil leam...
Cha toil leam fìon. I don’t like wine. Cha toil leam fìon.

Èistibh ri seo:

GUTH 1: An toil leat cofaidh?
GUTH 2: Cha toil. ‘S toil leam tì.

But what if you do like coffee, but you prefer tea? To say that you prefer something, you would say Is fheàrr leam. Is fheàrr leam – I prefer.
Is toil leam cofaidh ach is fheàrr leam tì. I like coffee but I prefer tea. Is toil leam cofaidh ach is fheàrr leam tì.

Èistibh ri seo:

GUTH 1: An toil leat brioscaidean, a Chaluim?
GUTH 2: Is toil, ach ‘s fheàrr leam cèic.

Of course our likes and dislikes aren’t confined to food! You can use what you’ve learned today to discuss other preferences as well. Seo eisimpleir no dhà - here are a couple of examples:

GUTH 1: An toil leat Casualty?
GUTH 2: Cha toil, is fheàrr leam Eastenders.

GUTH 1: An toil leat Runrig?
GUTH 2: Is toil, ach is fheàrr leam Julie Fowlis.

Agus sin e bhuamsa an t-seachdain sa. That’s all from me for this week.

Airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, carson nach tòir sibh sùil air làrach-lìn To learn some more simple Gaelic phrases, have a look at the website and go to the Beginners section or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App. Bidh mi air ais leis an tuilleadh an ath sheachdain. I’ll be back with more next week but until then, tìoraidh an-dràsta!