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Blasad Beag – Episode 26: Household vocabulary 3

Halò a chàirdean, agus fàilt oirbh uair eile gu Blasad Beag – welcome to Blasad Beag and some simple Gaelic that you can use in everyday situations.

In the past few programmes, we’ve been looking at phrases and vocabulary that you can use when you’re at home, and we’re going to continue with that theme.

Anns an leasan mu dheireadh bha sinn anns a’ chidsin – agus an-dràsta tha sinn a’ dol a ghluasad dhan t-seòmar-suidhe agus dhan an t-seòmar-cadail. In our previous lesson we were in the kitchen – in this lesson we’re going to move into the living room and the bedroom. But first here’s a quick recap of the rooms in the house:

Kitchen is cidsin! Cidsin. Cidsin.
Toilet is taigh-beag. Taigh-beag. Taigh-beag.
Bedroom - Seòmar-cadail. Seòmar-cadail. Seòmar-cadail.
Living room, or sitting room – Seòmar-suidhe. Seòmar-suidhe.

Now let’s take a closer look at the living room and some of the things you might find in there:

The Gaelic word for chair is cathair – but you’ll also hear sèithear. Cathair and sèithear.

A table? Bòrd. Bòrd. Bòrd-cofaidh – a coffee-table. Bòrd-cofaidh.

A sofa – now that’s an easy one! Sòfa. Sòfa.

A rug is a brat-ùrlair. Brat-ùrlair.

The Gaelic word for a fire is teine. You'll also hear teine. Teine or teine.

And finally, you might know that the Gaelic word for television is... telebhisean!

Moving upstairs now, a bed is a leabaidh or you'll also hear leabaidh. Leabaidh or leabaidh.

And a wardrobe is a clòsaid. Clòsaid. Clòsaid.

Let’s take a look at how you might use these words in a conversation using vocabulary we’ve already looked at, including the phrase - “càite a bheil..?” Càite a bheil..? Where is..? Where are..? Càite a bheil..?

Eìstibh ri seo:

Calum: Eilidh, a bheil thu ag iarraidh cofaidh eile?
Eilidh: Tha, tapadh leat.
Calum : Càit’ a bheil do mhuga?
Eilidh: Tha e air a’ bhòrd.

An do lean sibh Calum agus Eilidh? Did you understand what Calum and Eilidh were talking about? Eilidh told Calum that she would like another coffee and Calum asked her “càit’ a bheil do mhuga?” – where’s your mug? Càit’ a bheil do mhuga? Eilidh replied? Tha e air a’ bhòrd – it’s on the table. Tha e air a’ bhòrd.

Agus seo còmhradh eile - here’s another conversation:

Eilidh: A’ Chaluim, càit’ a bheil an cat? A bheil e air an leabaidh?
Calum: Chan eil – tha e air a’ bhràt-ùrlair ri taobh an teine.

Eilidh asked Calum where the cat was, and if he was was on the bed. Càit’ a bheil an cat – a bheil e air an leabaidh? Calum said chan eil – no – he’s on the rug beside the fire. Ri taobh an teine – beside the fire. Ri taobh an teine.

Agus sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta - gheibh sibh tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh agus leasanan airson luchd-tòiseachaidh air . You’ll find more basic Gaelic including beginners' lessons on – and don’t forget to download the beginners’ app! Tìoraidh an-dràsta!