Blasad Beag – Episode 39: Pà ighidhean
Halò, agus fàilte aon uair eile gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram far am bi sinn a’ toirt thugaibh beagan Gàidhlig shìmplidh. Welcome back to Blasad Beag. If you’re new to the language, this section of the programme is for you!

An-diugh, bheir sinn sùil air diofar fhacail a tha ceangailte ri bhith a’ pàigheadh. Today, we’ll look at words relating to various forms of payment, and how to use the verb ‘to give’. A’ pàigheadh – paying – a’ pàigheadh.
An toiseach, seo facal no dhà a dh’fhaodadh a bhith feumail airson diofar phàighidhean. Firstly, we'll learn the vocabulary for different kinds of payments.
Pàigheadh. Payment. Pàigheadh.
Cunntas. Bill. Cunntas.
Iomlaid. Change. Iomlaid.
Màl. Rent. Màl.
Airgead. Money. Airgead.
Iasad. Loan. Iasad.
Ceart ma-thà. Next, we’ll look at the verb ‘to give.’
To ask, “Did you give...?”, you would say, “An tug thu...?” “An tug thu...?” To answer yes, you would say, “Thug.” “Thug.” And to say you didn’t give? “Cha tug.” “Cha tug.”
A-nise, dè mu dheidhinn an tràth teachdail? The future tense. An tràth teachdail.
To ask someone, “Will you give...?”, you would say, “An toir thu...?” “An toir thu...?”
Now, thoir is an irregular verb in Gaelic. So to answer “yes” to the question, “An toir thu...?”, you would say, “Bheir.” “Bheir.” And to say you will not give? “Cha toir.” “Cha toir.”
Nis, a bheil sibh a’ tuigsinn co mu dheidhinn a tha Eilidh agus Calum a’ bruidhinn an seo?:
Calum: An tug thu airgead a’ mhàil dhi?
Eilidh: Cha tug fhathast.
Calum asked Eilidh, “An tug thu airgead a’ mhàil dhi?” Did you give her the rent money? “An tug thu airgead a’ mhàil dhi?”
Eilidh replied, “Cha tug fhathast.” I didn’t yet. “Cha tug fhathast.”
Agus dè mu dheidhinn a chòmhraidh seo? What about this conversation? This one is a bit trickier, so don’t worry if you don’t follow it the first time!
Eilidh: Am faigh mi an cunntas, mas e do thoil e?
Waiter: Gheibh gu dearbha.
Eilidh: Am faod mi pàigheadh le nota fichead not?
Waiter: Faodaidh. Bheir mi iomlaid dhut.
Eilidh asked, “Am faigh mi an cunntas, mas e do thoil e?” May I have the bill, please? “Am faigh mi an cunntas, mas e do thoil e?”
The waiter replied, “Gheibh gu dearbha.” Certainly you may. “Gheibh gu dearbha.”
Eilidh then asked a further question. “Am faod mi pàigheadh le nota fichead not?” Can I pay with a £20 note? “Am faod mi pàigheadh le nota fichead not?”
The waiter answered, “Faodaidh. Bheir mi iomlaid dhut.” Yes. I will give you change. “Bheir mi iomlaid dhut.” I will give you change.
Uill, bha siud rud beag na bu duilghe nan àbhaist, nach robh? That lesson was a little more challenging than usual! However, I hope you managed to follow what was being said. Remember, you can listen again on our website whilst following the transcriptions at the same time. Tìoraidh an-dràsta.