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Blasad Beag – Episode 25: Household vocabulary 2

Halò agus fàilte air ais gu Blasad Beag còmhla riumsa Catrìona Mhoireach. Welcome back to Blasad Beag with me, Catriona Murray. In our last lesson we learnt some household vocabulary, including the words for the different rooms in a house. We’re going to continue in a similar vein with this lesson.

An toiseach ge-tà, bheir sinn sùil aithghearr air na dh’ionnsaich sinn san leasan mu dheireadh. Let’s have a quick recap of the previous lesson. Listen to this conversation, and see if you can follow what’s being said:

(Guth 1) Eilidh: A Chaluim, càit’ a bheil thu?
(Guth 2) Calum: Tha mi anns a’ chidsin, ach tha mi a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag.

Dh’fhaighnich Eilidh do Chalum, “Càit’ a bheil thu?” Where are you? “Càit’ a bheil thu?” Fhreagair Calum gun robh e anns a’ chidsin. Fhreagair Calum gun robh e anns a’ chidsin. Calum answered that he was in the kitchen. “Tha mi anns a’ chidsin.” Ach cuideachd, thuirt e gun robh e a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag. But he also said he was going to the toilet. “Ach tha mi a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag.”

Tha mi anns a’ chidsin, ach tha mi a’ dol dhan taigh-bheag. I’m in the kitchen, but I’m going to the toilet.

Well, we’re going back to the kitchen for this lesson – here are a few things you would find there. A knife, sgian. Sgian. A knife.
The Gaelic word for a spoon is spàin. Spàin.
And the Gaelic for fork is easy to remember; forc!
If you’re cooking a meal, you would use an àmhainn. An oven. Àmhainn.
If you wanted to make a cup of tea, you would use a coire. A kettle. Coire.
The Gaelic for dishes is soithichean. Tha mi a’ nighe nan soithichean. I’m washing the dishes. Tha mi a’ nighe nan soithichean.
A plate is a truinnsear. Truinnsear. And a bowl is a bobhla. Bobhla.
A cup is a cupa – or as I’m from Lewis, I would say copan. Cupa. Copan.
A mug is a muga. Muga.
And a glass is a glainne. Glainne.

Sgoinneil! Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh a leanas. Listen to the following conversation, and see if you can work out what’s being said:

(Guth 1) Eilidh: A Chaluim, càit’ a bheil thu?
(Guth 2) Calum: Tha mi a’ nighe nan soithichean anns a’ chidsin.
(Guth 1 ) Eilidh : An cuir thu an coire air?

When asked where he was, Calum replied, “Tha mi a’ nighe nan soithichean anns a’ chidsin.” I’m washing the dishes in the kitchen. “Tha mi a’ nighe nan soithichean anns a’ chidsin.” Eilidh then asked him, “An cuir thu an coire air” – will you put the kettle on?

Agus sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta – tha mi falbh a chur an coire air! Thanks for listening to Blasad Beag. If you’re looking for more learning resources that are suitable for beginners, then visit or download the Learn Gaelic Beginners App. Tìoraidh an-dràsta.